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View which online courses are available by session:

2024-2025 Academic Year

Course # & Title Sessions
1 2 3 4 5 6 Other
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 322 Intermediate Financial Acctng II Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 323 Federal Taxation I Yes Yes
ACCT 324 Federal Taxation II Yes Yes
ACCT 422 Cost Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 425 Auditing Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 431 Advanced Financial Accounting Yes Yes
ACCT 432 Acctng for Not-For-Profit Orgztn Yes Yes
ACCT 533 Advanced Acctng Information Systems Yes Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 547 Contemporary Topics/Financial Acctg Yes Yes
ACCT 551 Taxation for Corporations Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 552 Forensic Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 553 Advanced Managerial Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 554 Governmental and Not-For-Profit Acc Yes
ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology Yes Yes Yes
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference Yes Yes Yes
ART 100 Introduction to Art Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ART 110 Drawing Yes Yes Yes
ART 120 3 Dimensional Foundations Yes
ART 211 Art History I Yes
ART 212 Art History II Yes
ART 330 Watercolor/Water Media Yes
BA 210 Management Principles Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 222 Management Information Systems Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 317 International Management Yes Yes Yes
BA 325 New Venture Creation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 334 Social Entrepreneurship Yes Yes
BA 352 Risk Management Yes Yes
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 361 Human Resources Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 362 Supervision Yes Yes
BA 365 Leadership Theory Yes Yes Yes
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt Yes Yes Yes
BA 371 Training and Development Yes Yes Yes
BA 374 Business Communication Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 383 Compensation/Benefits Management Yes Yes Yes
BA 393 Personnel Selection & Evaluation Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation Yes Yes Yes
BA 423 Production/Operations Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 454 Management Cases Yes Yes
BA 460 Strategic Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 474 Organizational Behavior Yes Yes
BA 506 Org Strategy/Econ Change Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 508 Curr Issues:Corp Law/Ethics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 509 Theories of Leadership Yes Yes Yes
BA 511 Corp Entr/Sustainabiliy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BA 520 Training and Development Yes Yes Yes
BA 524 Managing in th International Envir Yes Yes Yes
BA 540 Labor/Management Relations Yes Yes Yes
BA 544 Organizational & Mgmt Theories Yes Yes Yes
BA 546 Compensation & Benefits Yes Yes Yes
BA 548 Development & Management of HRM Yes Yes Yes
BA 553 Organizational Development Yes Yes Yes
BA 555 Organizational Culture Yes Yes Yes
BA 560 Org Diagnosis and Intervention Yes Yes Yes
BA 570 Team Building Techniques Yes Yes Yes
BA 590 Research Seminar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BIO 100 General Biological Science Yes Yes Yes
BIO 165 Human Biology & Nutrition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice Yes Yes Yes
CJ 237 Criminal Law and Procedure Yes Yes
CJ 291 Community Oriented Policing Yes
CJ 315 Juvenile Justice Yes
CJ 321 Juvenile Delinquency Yes Yes
CJ 333 Criminology Yes Yes
CJ 337 Victimology Yes Yes
CJ 353 Sociology of Law Yes
CJ 362 Criminal Investigations Yes Yes
CJ 365 Introduction to Policing Yes Yes
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice Yes Yes
CJ 380 Introduction to Corrections Yes
CJ 388 Comparative Study/Criminal Justice Yes Yes
CJ 396 Community Corrections Yes
CJ 398 Justice Administration Yes
CJ 426 Institutional Corrections Yes
CJ 428 Offender Treatment Yes
CJ 499 Special Project Yes Yes Yes Yes
CNSL 582 Counseling Children and Adolescents Yes
COMM 102 Intro to Mass Media Yes
COMM 105 Public Speaking Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
COMM 107 Human Communication Yes Yes
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication Yes Yes Yes
COMM 203 Communication Theory Yes
COMM 221 Intercultural Communication Yes Yes
COMM 276 Intro to Television Production Yes
COMM 286 Radio Production Yes
COMM 307 Business & Professional Comm Yes
COMM 308 Sports Writing and Reporting Yes
COMM 326 New & Experimental Media Yes
COMM 332 Writing for Media Yes Yes
COMM 334 Public Relations Yes
COMM 352 Rhetoric and Public Culture Yes
COMM 390 Research Methods/Comm Yes
COMM 415 Communication and Media Ethics Yes
COMM 416 Crisis Communication Yes
COMM 498 Senior Seminar Yes
ECE 223 Hlth/Safety/Nutrition:Early Childhd Yes
ECE 334 Field Exp:Infant/Toddler Yes Yes Yes
ECE 335 Field Exp: Prekindergarten Yes Yes
ECE 451 Intro to Early Childhood Yes
ECE 452 Observation/Assessment:EC Yes Yes
ECE 455 Methods & Curriculum:EC Yes
ECE 456 Admin/Sprvsn:EC Yes
ECE 501 Field Exp: Infant/Toddler Yes Yes
ECE 502 Field Exp Prekindergarten Yes Yes
ECE 523 Hlth/Safety/Nutrition in EC Yes
ECE 551 Intro to Early Childhood Yes
ECE 552 Observation/Assessment:EC Yes
ECE 556 Admin/Sprvsn:EC Yes
ECE 557 Methods/Curriculum:EC Yes
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ECON 455 Economics of Health and Health Care Yes
ECON 466 Labor Economics Yes
ECON 488 Economics of International Trade Yes
ECON 493 Managerial Economics Yes
EDU 142 Human Growth/Develop/Guidance Yes Yes Yes
EDU 232 Grammar Content for Teachers Yes Yes
EDU 252 Computers and Instructional Technology Yes
EDU 409 Practicum: Elementary Reading LA Yes Yes
EDU 410 Practicum: Secondary Reading LA Yes Yes
EDU 428 Middle School Curriculum Design Yes Yes
EDU 435 Middle School Growth/Development Yes
EDU 439 Introduction to Gifted Education Yes
EDU 440 Methods/Curric:Gifted Educ PK-12 Yes
EDU 441 Admin/Sprvsn:Gifted Programs Yes
EDU 442 Practicum:Gifted Programs Yes
EDU 443 Concepts of English Yes Yes
EDU 444 Curr/Methods:ESL Yes
EDU 445 Language Acquisition Yes
EDU 446 Practicum in ESL Yes
EDU 447 Problems in English Grammar Yes
EDU 448 Cltrl/Linguistic Diversity Yes
EDU 504 Prepared Classroom: Evidence Based Community Building Yes Yes
EDU 506 Prepared Classroom: Evidence Based Learning Yes
EDU 507 Diagnostic Assessment Prac:Rdg/LA Yes
EDU 508 Prepared Classroom: Evidence Based Teaching Yes
EDU 509 Prac: Elementary Reading Yes Yes
EDU 510 Practicum:Secondary Reading Yes
EDU 512 Educational Research Methods Yes Yes Yes Yes
EDU 516 Best Prac:Res Based Tchg Strat Yes
EDU 519 Teaching with Technology Yes
EDU 520 Middle Sch Curriculum, Dsgn,Strat Yes Yes
EDU 521 Middle School Growth/Dev/Mgmt Yes
EDU 522 Assessment for Learning Yes
EDU 524 Issues:Educ Psy/Learning Yes
EDU 525 Content Area Literacy Yes
EDU 526 Selective Methods Yes
EDU 531 Tchg/Working:Multicltrl Setting Yes Yes Yes Yes
EDU 532 Professional Learning Communities Yes Yes
EDU 533 Yes
EDU 534 Instructional Coaching Yes
EDU 538 Educational Policy Seminar Yes
EDU 539 Intro to Gifted Education Yes
EDU 540 Methods/Curr:Gifted Educ PK-12 Yes
EDU 541 Admin/Supervision:Gifted Programs Yes
EDU 542 Practicum:Gifted Programs Yes
EDU 543 Concepts of English Yes
EDU 544 Curr/Methods:ESL Yes
EDU 545 Language Acquisition Yes
EDU 546 Practicum in ESL Yes
EDU 547 Problems in English Grammar Yes
EDU 548 Cltrl/Linguistic Diversity Yes
EDU 566 Yes
EDU 580 Best Prac/Literacy Intervention Yes
EDU 581 Admin/Literacy Programs Yes
EDU 585 Adv Instruc Issues/Meth:Rdg/LA Yes
EDU 589 Rdg Spec/Literacy Coaching Intern Yes
EDU 59001 Capstone Seminar Early Childhood Yes Yes Yes
EDU 59002 Capstone Seminar ESL Yes Yes
EDU 59004 Capstone Seminar Instruc Strat Yes Yes Yes
EDU 59005 Capstone Seminar Reading Yes Yes Yes
EDU 59006 Capstone Seminar Tchr Leadership Yes Yes Yes
EDU 59007 Capstone Seminar:TAG Yes Yes
ENG 101 English Composition I Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ENG 102 English Composition II Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ENG 125 Introduction to Literature Yes
ENG 170 Intro Creative Writing Yes
ENG 210 American Literature II Yes
ENG 214 World Literature Survey Yes
ENG 265 African-American Literature Yes
ENG 275 Television Yes Yes Yes
ENG 290 The Movies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ENG 311 African American Film Yes Yes
ENG 330 Shakespeare Yes Yes
ENG 352 Best Sellers Yes
ENG 365 Women and Literature Yes
ES 100 Introduction to Geology Yes
ES 117 Natural Disasters Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ES 121 Dinosaurs Yes Yes
ES 161 Intro to Environmental Science Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ES 321 Building an Eco-Economy Yes
ES 340 Environmental Policy Yes
EXSS 10022 Walking for Fitness Yes Yes
EXSS 170 Medical Terminology Yes
EXSS 280 Personal and Community Health Yes
EXSS 420 Exercise Prescription Yes
FIN 288 Personal Financial Management Yes
FIN 310 Money and Capital Markets Yes Yes
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FIN 343 Investments Yes
FIN 442 Intermediate Financial Management Yes
FIN 444 New Venture Finance Yes
FIN 446 Bank Management Yes
FIN 448 Options Futures and Derivatives Yes
FIN 513 Financial Mgmt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FIN 531 Financial Markets/Fin Strategy Yes Yes
FIN 536 Derivatives and Risk Management Yes Yes
FIN 551 Financial Data Analysis Yes Yes
FIN 552 Investment Management Yes Yes Yes
FYS 12201 First Year Seminar Yes
FYS 12202 Yes
FYS 12203 Yes Yes
GEOG 100 Intro to Physical Geography Yes
GEOG 200 World Regional Geography Yes
GEOG 356 Intro to Geographic Information Sys Yes Yes
GRAF 112 Introduction to Graphic Design Yes Yes Yes
GRAF 132 Introduction to Graphic Design Tools Yes Yes
GRAF 218 Digital Photography Yes Yes Yes
GRAF 234 History of Graphic Design Yes
GRAF 280 Interaction Design Yes
GRAF 319 Digital Video and Editing Yes Yes
GRAF 333 Digital Illustration Yes
GRAF 335 Publication Design Yes
GRAF 355 Typography Yes Yes
GRAF 380 Advertising Design Yes Yes
GRAF 442 Digital Animation Yes Yes
GRAF 480 Senior Thesis and Portfolio Yes Yes
HA 505 Healthcare Organizational Behavior and Leadership Yes
HA 510 Human Resource Management in Healthcare Organizations Yes Yes
HA 515 Marketing and Strategic Planning in Healthcare Yes Yes
HA 520 Healthcare Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management Yes
HA 525 Population Health Management Yes
HA 530 Population Health Informatics Yes
HA 531 Introduction to Healthcare Systems Yes Yes
HA 534 Healthcare Economics Yes
HA 535 Healthcare Operations Yes
HA 536 Healthcare Law and Ethics Yes
HA 537 Healthcare Quality Assessment and Improvement Yes
HA 538 Healthcare Financial Management Yes
HA 539 Healthcare Informatics Technology Management Yes
HA 540 Decision Analysis in Healthcare Yes
HA 545 Data Management and Visual Analytics Yes
HA 551 Introduction to Gerontology Yes
HA 555 Senior Services Administration Yes
HIST 100 World History to 1500 Yes Yes
HIST 101 World History 1500- Yes
HIST 110 American History to 1877 Yes Yes
HIST 111 American History since 1877 Yes Yes
HIST 214 World at War 1914-1945 Yes
HIST 343 U.S. Women's History Yes
HIST 355 Modern World History Yes
HIST 371 New Nation, 1787-1848 Yes
HIST 374 Modern America, 1945-Present Yes
HSA 205 Intro to American Health Systems Yes Yes Yes
HSA 241 Healthcare Informatics Yes Yes
HSA 306 Long Term Care Administration Yes Yes
HSA 312 Community & Public Health Yes Yes
HSA 344 Population Health Mgmt Yes Yes
HSA 360 Health Care Law and Ethics Yes Yes Yes
HSA 362 Financial Mgmt of Hlth Serv Org Yes Yes Yes
HSA 440 Health Services Administration Yes Yes Yes
HSA 460 Health Services Policy/Regulation Yes Yes Yes
HSA 490 Health Program Plan & Evaluation Yes Yes Yes
HSV 221 Introduction to Human Services Yes Yes
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HSV 375 Methods in Human Services I Yes Yes Yes
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment Yes Yes Yes
HSV 384 Social Welfare Programs/Policies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HSV 391 Social Work Practice I: Individuals Yes Yes
HSV 392 Social Work Practice II: Families/Groups Yes Yes
HSV 393 Social Work Practice III: Comm/Soc Inst Yes Yes
HSV 397 Social Gerontology Yes Yes
HSV 454 Issues/Ethics: Helping Professions Yes Yes Yes
HSV 498 Senior Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IS 242 Human Computer Interaction Yes Yes
IS 248 Business Process Management Yes Yes
IS 310 Systems Analysis & Design Yes Yes
IS 320 Enterprise Architecture Yes Yes
IS 370 IT Audit and Controls Yes
IS 400 Project Management and Integration Yes Yes
IS 410 IS Strategy/Mgmt/Acquisition Yes Yes
IS 420 Enterprise Sys & Integration Yes
IT 122 IT Infrastructure Yes Yes
IT 140 Intro to Programming Yes
IT 206 Computer Architecture Yes
IT 213 Operating Systems Yes Yes
IT 311 Networking Yes
IT 320 Web Systems Yes
IT 332 Databases and Information Management Yes Yes
IT 410 Information and System Security Yes Yes Yes
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone Yes Yes Yes
LA 498 Liberal Arts Capstone Yes Yes Yes
LDR 530 Globalization and Diversity Yes
LDR 550 Leadership and Business Operations Yes
LDR 560 Change Management Yes
LDR 570 Conflict and Negotiation Yes
MATH 101 Math for Liberal Arts Yes Yes
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MATH 107 College Algebra Yes Yes Yes
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MBA 500 Accounting & Finance Principles Yes Yes Yes Yes
MBA 501 Managerial Communication Yes Yes Yes Yes
MKT 208 Marketing Principles Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MKT 315 Sales Management Yes
MKT 337 Personal Selling Yes Yes
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Yes Yes Yes
MKT 363 Advertising and Integrated Mktg Com Yes Yes
MKT 414 New Product Development Yes Yes
MKT 424 Global Marketing Yes
MKT 451 Marketing Research Yes Yes
MKT 459 Contemporary Topics/Marketing Yes
MKT 479 Branding Yes Yes
MKT 489 Social Media Marketing Yes Yes
MKT 504 Mktg/Product Mgmt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MUS 100 Introduction to Music Yes Yes Yes
MUS 202 American Popular Music Yes Yes Yes
NUR 305 Professional Comm for Nurses Yes
NUR 315 Professional Nursing Practice Yes
NUR 325 Integrated Conc/Nursing Care I Yes
NUR 335 Integrated Conc/Nursing Care II Yes
NUR 340 Community Hlth Nursing Yes Yes
NUR 400 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Yes Yes
NUR 420 Nursing Leadership & Mgmt Yes Yes
NUR 432 Honoring Self-Care:Mind, Body, Spir Yes
NUR 436 Understanding Nursing Thry Yes
NUR 450 Nursing Concepts Capstone I Yes Yes Yes
NUR 455 Nursing Concepts Capstone II Yes Yes Yes
PA 305 Grant Writing Yes Yes
PA 306 Prin of Emergency Management Yes Yes
PA 320 Political & Policy Bases of EM Yes
PA 332 Emergency Preparedness & Planning Yes
PA 346 Disaster Response and Recovery Yes
PA 364 Public Administration Yes Yes
PA 371 Urban Management Yes
PA 404 Integrated Emergency Management Yes
PA 414 Prin/Prac of Hazard Mitigation Yes
PA 430 Cases in Public Administration Yes
PA 440 Public Budgeting Process Yes Yes
PA 445 Administrative Law Yes Yes
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PA 49802 Senior Project EDM Yes
PA 500 Writing for Public Administrators Yes Yes
PA 501 Graduate Survey of Public Admin Yes Yes
PA 502 Intro/Program Evaluation Yes Yes
PA 503 Research Methods for Public Administration Yes Yes
PA 504 Political Economy and Public Policy Yes Yes
PA 507 Ethics of Public Service Yes
PA 508 Terrorism and Politics Yes
PA 511 Public Budgeting and Finance Yes Yes
PA 515 Grant Writing & Contract Mgmt Yes
PA 523 Emerg Mgmt/Homeland Secur/Publ Pol Yes
PA 524 Ldrshp Issues/Critical Incidents Yes
PA 526 Emerg Mgmt Mitigation/Rec/Cont Yes
PA 528 Politics of Poverty, Inequality, and Health Policy Yes
PA 530 Public Policy and Healthcare Yes
PA 532 Human Res Mgmt/Public Org Yes
PA 543 Emerg Mgmt:Planning/Response Yes
PA 546 NFP Mktg & Public Affairs Advocacy Yes
PA 553 Seminar in Juvenile Justice Yes
PA 554 Theories of Crime and Public Policy Yes
PA 563 Administrative Law Yes
PA 565 Adv Policy Analysis & Evaluation Yes Yes
PA 566 Econ Dev:Theory/Practice Yes
PA 590 Capstone Seminar Yes Yes Yes
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy Yes Yes Yes
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics Yes Yes Yes
PHY 110 Introduction to Astronomy Yes
PHY 111 Introductory Physics I Yes
PHY 112 Introductory Physics Laboratory I Yes
PHY 113 Introductory Physics II Yes
PHY 114 Introductory Physics Laboratory II Yes
PS 100 U. S. Government Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PS 211 International Relations Yes
PS 212 Comparative Politics Yes
PS 222 Introduction to Political Society Yes
PS 230 State and Local Government Yes Yes Yes
PS 342 Development:American Foreign Policy Yes
PS 362 The Legislative Process Yes
PS 368 Political Parties/Interest Groups Yes
PS 380 Congress and the Presidency Yes
PS 411 American Constitutional Law I Yes
PSY 190 General Psychology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 212 Devel Psychology:Birth to Adol Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 222 Devel Psychology:Young/Late Adult Yes Yes Yes
PSY 232 Group Dynamics Yes
PSY 240 Conflict Resolution Yes Yes
PSY 270 Human Sexuality Yes Yes Yes
PSY 302 Substance Abuse Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 310 Social Psychology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 312 Psychology of Women and Gender Yes Yes Yes
PSY 321 Death and Dying Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 323 Cognition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 332 Personality Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 335 Biological Psychology Yes Yes
PSY 338 Motivation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 355 Skills/Strategies in Helping Prof Yes Yes Yes
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 373 Research Methods Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 409 Psychology of Disaster Yes Yes
PSY 445 Learning and Memory Yes Yes Yes
PSY 498 Senior Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PSY 501 Applied Learning Strategies Yes Yes
PSY 510 Learning and Motivation Yes
PSY 511 Leading to Motivate Yes
PSY 520 Adult Development Yes
PSY 521 Developmental Applications and Considerations Yes
SA 348 Sports Administration Yes
SA 355 Admin of Intercollegiate Athletics Yes
SA 363 Sport Marketing Yes
SA 365 Ethical/Legal Issues in Sports Adm Yes
SA 371 Planning Facilities/Phys Activity Yes
SA 401 International Sport Mgmt Yes
SA 435 Governance/Policy in Sport Org Yes
SA 501 Sport Administration Yes
SA 525 Sport Law & Contract Negotiation Yes
SA 535 Sport Psychology Yes
SA 565 Sport Sales and Professional Development Yes
SA 575 Sport Facilities Mgmt Yes
SCM 201 Principles of Supply Chain Management Yes
SCM 310 Procurement Management Yes
SCM 320 Global Supply Chain Management Yes
SCM 330 Transportation Management Yes
SCM 331 Logistics Management Yes
SCM 410 Quality Management Yes
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SOC 220 Social Problems Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SOC 304 Globalization Yes
SOC 334 Intro to Sociological Res Meth Yes Yes Yes
SOC 347 Deviance and Social Control Yes
SOC 381 Political Sociology Yes
SOC 392 Sociological Theory Yes
SOC 418 Applied Research Methods Yes
SOC 498 Senior Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SPED 459 Home/School/Comm Relations Yes
SPED 465 Meth/Curr Behav Disorders Prek-12 Yes
SPED 468 Coordination of Occupational Prog Yes
SPED 469 Meth/Curr:Lrng Disab K-12 Yes Yes
SPED 473 Meth/Curr: Intellectual Disab Yes
SPED 475 Meth/Curr:Mild/Moderate Disab 5-12 Yes
SPED 477 Career & Vocational Programming Yes Yes Yes
SPED 559 Home/School/Community Relations Yes Yes
SPED 562 Individual Behavior/Classroom Mgmt Yes
SPED 565 Methods/Curriculum: BD PK-12 Yes Yes
SPED 567 Characteristics of Individuals with Disabilities Yes Yes
SPED 568 Coordination of Occupational Prog Yes
SPED 569 Meth/Curr:Lrng Disab K-12 Yes Yes
SPED 573 Meth:Intellectual Disabilities K-12 Yes
SPED 575 Meth/Curric:Mild/Moderate Dis 5-12 Yes
SPED 577 Career & Vocational Programming Yes Yes Yes
SPED 578 Meth/Curr:M/Mod Disab PK-8 Yes
SPED 588 Special Education Leadership and Consultation Yes
THE 240 Oral Interpretation Yes

Full schedule:

2024-2025 Academic Year

Session 3 (01/06/2025 – 02/27/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ACCT 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I ACCT 202
ACCT 323 Federal Taxation I ACCT 202
ACCT 422 Cost Accounting ACCT 202
ACCT 431 Advanced Financial Accounting ACCT 322
ACCT 533 Advanced Acctng Information Systems
ACCT 551 Taxation for Corporations
ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology
ART 100 Introduction to Art
ART 110 Drawing
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 317 International Management BA 210, and general education cultures requirement
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 365 Leadership Theory BA 210, and BA 361 or permission of instructor
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt BA 210
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 383 Compensation/Benefits Management BA 361
BA 393 Personnel Selection & Evaluation BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 454 Management Cases BA 361, BA 423, and completion of all management-business core requirements.
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 474 Organizational Behavior PSY 190 or SOC 110
BA 506 Org Strategy/Econ Change
BA 508 Curr Issues:Corp Law/Ethics
BA 509 Theories of Leadership
BA 511 Corp Entr/Sustainabiliy
BA 540 Labor/Management Relations
BA 548 Development & Management of HRM
BA 560 Org Diagnosis and Intervention
BA 570 Team Building Techniques
BA 590 Research Seminar All core requirements and only 6 required credit hours or less remaining in the program.
BIO 100 General Biological Science
BIO 165 Human Biology & Nutrition
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 291 Community Oriented Policing
CJ 333 Criminology SOC 110
CJ 365 Introduction to Policing CJ 224
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 105 Public Speaking
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 276 Intro to Television Production
COMM 326 New & Experimental Media
COMM 332 Writing for Media COMM 102
COMM 390 Research Methods/Comm COMM 105, and Junior Standing.
COMM 416 Crisis Communication COMM 307 recommended but not required
ECE 335 Field Exp: Prekindergarten
ECE 455 Methods & Curriculum:EC EDU 110, ECE 451, and admittance into the Teacher Education Program.
ECE 502 Field Exp Prekindergarten
ECE 557 Methods/Curriculum:EC ECE 451 or ECE 551
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
ECON 466 Labor Economics ECON 160
EDU 442 Practicum:Gifted Programs EDU 539, EDU 541, And Admission to the Teacher Education Program, May be taken as a corequisite with EDU 440
EDU 447 Problems in English Grammar EDU 110, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
EDU 507 Diagnostic Assessment Prac:Rdg/LA
EDU 508 Prepared Classroom: Evidence Based Teaching
EDU 512 Educational Research Methods
EDU 531 Tchg/Working:Multicltrl Setting
EDU 538 Educational Policy Seminar
EDU 542 Practicum:Gifted Programs EDU 539, EDU 541, Licensed teacher, May be taken as a co-requisite with EDU 540
EDU 547 Problems in English Grammar EDU 543
EDU 59001 Capstone Seminar Early Childhood Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59002 Capstone Seminar ESL Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59004 Capstone Seminar Instruc Strat Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59005 Capstone Seminar Reading Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59006 Capstone Seminar Tchr Leadership Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59007 Capstone Seminar:TAG Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ENG 210 American Literature II
ENG 275 Television
ENG 290 The Movies
ES 100 Introduction to Geology
ES 117 Natural Disasters
ES 161 Intro to Environmental Science
ES 340 Environmental Policy ES 100 or ES 161 or GEOG 100
EXSS 170 Medical Terminology
EXSS 420 Exercise Prescription EXSS 226, EXSS 302
FIN 310 Money and Capital Markets ECON 161
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
FIN 444 New Venture Finance BA 325, ECON 160, ECON 161, FIN 341
FIN 513 Financial Mgmt
FIN 551 Financial Data Analysis
FIN 552 Investment Management
FYS 12202
FYS 12203
GEOG 356 Intro to Geographic Information Sys , Or consent of instructor
GRAF 112 Introduction to Graphic Design
GRAF 234 History of Graphic Design
GRAF 333 Digital Illustration
GRAF 355 Typography
GRAF 380 Advertising Design GRAF 112
HA 520 Healthcare Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management
HA 537 Healthcare Quality Assessment and Improvement
HA 545 Data Management and Visual Analytics HA 539, or permission of the MHA program director.
HIST 100 World History to 1500
HIST 111 American History since 1877
HIST 374 Modern America, 1945-Present HIST 111
HSA 205 Intro to American Health Systems
HSA 241 Healthcare Informatics , HSA 205, Or consent of instructor
HSA 312 Community & Public Health HSA 205
HSA 362 Financial Mgmt of Hlth Serv Org ACCT 201, BA 210
HSA 490 Health Program Plan & Evaluation HSA 362
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 375 Methods in Human Services I SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 384 Social Welfare Programs/Policies SOC 110
HSV 391 Social Work Practice I: Individuals
HSV 393 Social Work Practice III: Comm/Soc Inst
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
IS 242 Human Computer Interaction Sophomore status
IS 310 Systems Analysis & Design BA 222, , Or consent of instructor
IS 400 Project Management and Integration IS 320 or IT 320
IS 410 IS Strategy/Mgmt/Acquisition BA 222, IS 320
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone At least 45 credits toward the completion of the Associate of Arts Liberal Art Emphasis degree.
LA 498 Liberal Arts Capstone
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 107 College Algebra Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MBA 500 Accounting & Finance Principles Graduate standing
MBA 501 Managerial Communication
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Prerequisite for Marketing majors: MKT 208 or permission of instructor. Recommended for all majors: MKT 208 and PSY 190 or SOC 110 or permission of instructor.
MKT 363 Advertising and Integrated Mktg Com MKT 208 suggested, but not required for non-marketing majors
MKT 414 New Product Development MKT 208
MKT 504 Mktg/Product Mgmt
MUS 100 Introduction to Music
NUR 335 Integrated Conc/Nursing Care II NUR 325, Admission to the nursing program
NUR 420 Nursing Leadership & Mgmt NUR 400, And admission to the Nursing Program
NUR 450 Nursing Concepts Capstone I Senior status, 27 credits of the BSN curriculum, and 15 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 332 Emergency Preparedness & Planning PA 306, PA 320
PA 404 Integrated Emergency Management PA 306
PA 430 Cases in Public Administration PA 364
PA 445 Administrative Law
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 500 Writing for Public Administrators
PA 503 Research Methods for Public Administration
PA 515 Grant Writing & Contract Mgmt
PA 524 Ldrshp Issues/Critical Incidents
PA 528 Politics of Poverty, Inequality, and Health Policy
PA 590 Capstone Seminar Completion of all core and area of emphasis courses or permission of the program director
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
PHY 111 Introductory Physics I Prerequisite/Co-Requisite: MATH 115 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry or instructor approval
PHY 112 Introductory Physics Laboratory I
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 212 Comparative Politics
PS 342 Development:American Foreign Policy
PS 362 The Legislative Process
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 222 Devel Psychology:Young/Late Adult PSY 190
PSY 232 Group Dynamics
PSY 270 Human Sexuality
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 332 Personality PSY 190
PSY 335 Biological Psychology PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 409 Psychology of Disaster PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
PSY 501 Applied Learning Strategies
PSY 520 Adult Development
SA 348 Sports Administration
SA 365 Ethical/Legal Issues in Sports Adm BA 302
SA 501 Sport Administration
SCM 331 Logistics Management
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 334 Intro to Sociological Res Meth PSY 190, SOC 110 or CJ 224
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU
SPED 469 Meth/Curr:Lrng Disab K-12 EDU 110, SPED 304, SPED 467, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 567 Characteristics of Individuals with Disabilities
SPED 569 Meth/Curr:Lrng Disab K-12 SPED 567
SPED 588 Special Education Leadership and Consultation

Session 4 (03/10/2025 – 05/01/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ACCT 322 Intermediate Financial Acctng II ACCT 321
ACCT 324 Federal Taxation II ACCT 323
ACCT 425 Auditing ACCT 322
ACCT 432 Acctng for Not-For-Profit Orgztn ACCT 202
ACCT 533 Advanced Acctng Information Systems
ACCT 552 Forensic Accounting
ACCT 553 Advanced Managerial Accounting
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference
ART 100 Introduction to Art
ART 120 3 Dimensional Foundations
ART 212 Art History II
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 334 Social Entrepreneurship ECON 160, BA 210
BA 352 Risk Management
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 371 Training and Development BA 361
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 393 Personnel Selection & Evaluation BA 361
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation BA 210, BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 506 Org Strategy/Econ Change
BA 508 Curr Issues:Corp Law/Ethics
BA 511 Corp Entr/Sustainabiliy
BA 520 Training and Development
BA 524 Managing in th International Envir
BA 544 Organizational & Mgmt Theories
BA 546 Compensation & Benefits
BA 553 Organizational Development
BA 555 Organizational Culture
BA 590 Research Seminar All core requirements and only 6 required credit hours or less remaining in the program.
BIO 165 Human Biology & Nutrition
CJ 237 Criminal Law and Procedure CJ 224
CJ 321 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 110
CJ 353 Sociology of Law CJ 237, and junior standing.
CJ 362 Criminal Investigations CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 380 Introduction to Corrections CJ 224
CJ 388 Comparative Study/Criminal Justice
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 105 Public Speaking
COMM 107 Human Communication
COMM 308 Sports Writing and Reporting COMM 102
COMM 352 Rhetoric and Public Culture COMM 105
COMM 498 Senior Seminar COMM 390
ECE 334 Field Exp:Infant/Toddler
ECE 452 Observation/Assessment:EC EDU 110, ECE 451, and admittance into the Teacher Education Program
ECE 456 Admin/Sprvsn:EC EDU 110, ECE 451, and admittance into the Teacher Education Program
ECE 501 Field Exp: Infant/Toddler
ECE 556 Admin/Sprvsn:EC ECE 451 or ECE 551
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
ECON 455 Economics of Health and Health Care ECON 160
EDU 142 Human Growth/Develop/Guidance
EDU 252 Computers and Instructional Technology
EDU 428 Middle School Curriculum Design EDU 110
EDU 441 Admin/Sprvsn:Gifted Programs EDU 439, And admission to the Teacher Education Program or practicing teacher
EDU 443 Concepts of English EDU 110, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program, Highly recommended: 3 credit hours of foreign language at the college level
EDU 448 Cltrl/Linguistic Diversity EDU 110, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
EDU 504 Prepared Classroom: Evidence Based Community Building
EDU 509 Prac: Elementary Reading EDU 507, EDU 585
EDU 510 Practicum:Secondary Reading EDU 507, EDU 585
EDU 512 Educational Research Methods
EDU 516 Best Prac:Res Based Tchg Strat
EDU 520 Middle Sch Curriculum, Dsgn,Strat Licensed teacher
EDU 534 Instructional Coaching
EDU 541 Admin/Supervision:Gifted Programs EDU 539, Licensed teacher
EDU 548 Cltrl/Linguistic Diversity
EDU 585 Adv Instruc Issues/Meth:Rdg/LA EDU 507, May be taken concurrently with EDU 509 or EDU 510.
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ENG 214 World Literature Survey
ENG 265 African-American Literature
ENG 290 The Movies
ENG 311 African American Film ENG 101, Recommended: ENG 102. Encouraged: ENG 290 or ENG 265
ES 117 Natural Disasters
ES 121 Dinosaurs
ES 161 Intro to Environmental Science
ES 321 Building an Eco-Economy ES 100 or ES 161 or GEOG 100, or consent of instructor.
EXSS 10022 Walking for Fitness
EXSS 280 Personal and Community Health
FIN 288 Personal Financial Management
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
FIN 446 Bank Management FIN 341
FIN 513 Financial Mgmt
FIN 531 Financial Markets/Fin Strategy
FIN 536 Derivatives and Risk Management
FYS 12203
GEOG 100 Intro to Physical Geography
GRAF 132 Introduction to Graphic Design Tools
GRAF 218 Digital Photography
GRAF 335 Publication Design At least one 100-level or 200-level art or graphic design course
GRAF 480 Senior Thesis and Portfolio Successfully complete all or all except one of the other required studio courses
HA 515 Marketing and Strategic Planning in Healthcare
HA 525 Population Health Management
HA 536 Healthcare Law and Ethics
HA 539 Healthcare Informatics Technology Management
HIST 214 World at War 1914-1945
HSA 306 Long Term Care Administration HSA 205
HSA 344 Population Health Mgmt MATH 220 or HSA 241 or consent of instructor
HSA 360 Health Care Law and Ethics HSA 205
HSA 440 Health Services Administration BA 210
HSA 460 Health Services Policy/Regulation
HSV 221 Introduction to Human Services PSY 190
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 384 Social Welfare Programs/Policies SOC 110
HSV 392 Social Work Practice II: Families/Groups
HSV 397 Social Gerontology PSY 190
HSV 454 Issues/Ethics: Helping Professions PSY 190
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
IS 248 Business Process Management IT 140
IS 320 Enterprise Architecture BA 222, CS 332 (corequisite) and IS 310
IS 420 Enterprise Sys & Integration IS 320
IT 122 IT Infrastructure IS 102
IT 332 Databases and Information Management CS 140 or IS 310
IT 410 Information and System Security IT 311
LDR 560 Change Management
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 107 College Algebra Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 337 Personal Selling MKT 208, Junior Standing, Or permission of instructor
MKT 451 Marketing Research Completion of all other marketing/business core requirements
MKT 479 Branding MKT 208
MKT 504 Mktg/Product Mgmt
MUS 202 American Popular Music
NUR 315 Professional Nursing Practice Admission to the nursing program
NUR 340 Community Hlth Nursing NUR 335
NUR 450 Nursing Concepts Capstone I Senior status, 27 credits of the BSN curriculum, and 15 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
NUR 455 Nursing Concepts Capstone II NUR 450
PA 305 Grant Writing ENG 102
PA 306 Prin of Emergency Management
PA 346 Disaster Response and Recovery PA 332
PA 371 Urban Management
PA 414 Prin/Prac of Hazard Mitigation BA 210, PA 306
PA 440 Public Budgeting Process
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 49802 Senior Project EDM ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 501 Graduate Survey of Public Admin
PA 508 Terrorism and Politics
PA 511 Public Budgeting and Finance
PA 565 Adv Policy Analysis & Evaluation
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics
PHY 113 Introductory Physics II PHY 111, Or consent of the instructor
PHY 114 Introductory Physics Laboratory II
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 222 Introduction to Political Society
PS 230 State and Local Government
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 212 Devel Psychology:Birth to Adol PSY 190
PSY 240 Conflict Resolution
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 312 Psychology of Women and Gender
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 355 Skills/Strategies in Helping Prof PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 445 Learning and Memory PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
PSY 521 Developmental Applications and Considerations
SA 401 International Sport Mgmt BA 210
SA 435 Governance/Policy in Sport Org BA 210
SA 535 Sport Psychology
SCM 330 Transportation Management
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 304 Globalization
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU
SPED 473 Meth/Curr: Intellectual Disab SPED 304, SPED 467, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 573 Meth:Intellectual Disabilities K-12 SPED 567
SPED 578 Meth/Curr:M/Mod Disab PK-8 SPED 567

Session 5 (05/12/2025 – 07/03/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ACCT 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I ACCT 202
ACCT 422 Cost Accounting ACCT 202
ACCT 431 Advanced Financial Accounting ACCT 322
ACCT 533 Advanced Acctng Information Systems
ACCT 551 Taxation for Corporations
ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology
ART 100 Introduction to Art
ART 110 Drawing
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 317 International Management BA 210, and general education cultures requirement
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 365 Leadership Theory BA 210, and BA 361 or permission of instructor
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt BA 210
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 383 Compensation/Benefits Management BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 506 Org Strategy/Econ Change
BA 508 Curr Issues:Corp Law/Ethics
BA 511 Corp Entr/Sustainabiliy
BA 540 Labor/Management Relations
BA 548 Development & Management of HRM
BA 560 Org Diagnosis and Intervention
BA 570 Team Building Techniques
BA 590 Research Seminar All core requirements and only 6 required credit hours or less remaining in the program.
BIO 100 General Biological Science
BIO 165 Human Biology & Nutrition
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 333 Criminology SOC 110
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 396 Community Corrections CJ 224
CJ 398 Justice Administration CJ 224
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 105 Public Speaking
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 221 Intercultural Communication
COMM 307 Business & Professional Comm COMM 105
COMM 332 Writing for Media COMM 102
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
EDU 232 Grammar Content for Teachers
EDU 409 Practicum: Elementary Reading LA EDU 110, EDU 326, EDU 407, Prerequisite or Corequisite: EDU 485
EDU 410 Practicum: Secondary Reading LA EDU 110, EDU 326, EDU 407, Prerequisite or Corequisite: EDU 485
EDU 512 Educational Research Methods
EDU 524 Issues:Educ Psy/Learning
EDU 531 Tchg/Working:Multicltrl Setting
EDU 532 Professional Learning Communities
EDU 566
EDU 580 Best Prac/Literacy Intervention
EDU 59001 Capstone Seminar Early Childhood Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59002 Capstone Seminar ESL Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59004 Capstone Seminar Instruc Strat Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59005 Capstone Seminar Reading Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59006 Capstone Seminar Tchr Leadership Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
EDU 59007 Capstone Seminar:TAG Completion of all courses in emphasis area (may take one area of emphasis course concurrently)
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ENG 275 Television
ENG 290 The Movies
ENG 330 Shakespeare ENG 102
ENG 352 Best Sellers ENG 101
ES 117 Natural Disasters
ES 161 Intro to Environmental Science
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
FIN 448 Options Futures and Derivatives FIN 341
FIN 513 Financial Mgmt
FIN 551 Financial Data Analysis
FIN 552 Investment Management
GEOG 200 World Regional Geography
GRAF 112 Introduction to Graphic Design
GRAF 319 Digital Video and Editing
GRAF 442 Digital Animation At least one 100-level or 200-level art or graphic design course
HA 510 Human Resource Management in Healthcare Organizations
HA 531 Introduction to Healthcare Systems
HA 535 Healthcare Operations
HA 555 Senior Services Administration
HIST 111 American History since 1877
HSA 205 Intro to American Health Systems
HSA 362 Financial Mgmt of Hlth Serv Org ACCT 201, BA 210
HSA 490 Health Program Plan & Evaluation HSA 362
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 375 Methods in Human Services I SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 384 Social Welfare Programs/Policies SOC 110
HSV 393 Social Work Practice III: Comm/Soc Inst
HSV 454 Issues/Ethics: Helping Professions PSY 190
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
IS 370 IT Audit and Controls IS 320
IS 400 Project Management and Integration IS 320 or IT 320
IS 410 IS Strategy/Mgmt/Acquisition BA 222, IS 320
IT 140 Intro to Programming IS 102 or EDU 252
IT 206 Computer Architecture IT 122
IT 213 Operating Systems IT 140, IT 206
IT 311 Networking , , MATH 115
IT 410 Information and System Security IT 311
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone At least 45 credits toward the completion of the Associate of Arts Liberal Art Emphasis degree.
LA 498 Liberal Arts Capstone
LDR 570 Conflict and Negotiation
MATH 101 Math for Liberal Arts Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 14-29 or pass a developmental-level MATH or quantitative reasoning course.
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MBA 500 Accounting & Finance Principles Graduate standing
MBA 501 Managerial Communication
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 315 Sales Management MKT 208, BA 210, Or permission of instructor
MKT 414 New Product Development MKT 208
MKT 489 Social Media Marketing MKT 208
MKT 504 Mktg/Product Mgmt
MUS 100 Introduction to Music
NUR 455 Nursing Concepts Capstone II NUR 450
PA 364 Public Administration
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 502 Intro/Program Evaluation PA 501
PA 504 Political Economy and Public Policy
PA 523 Emerg Mgmt/Homeland Secur/Publ Pol
PA 546 NFP Mktg & Public Affairs Advocacy
PA 590 Capstone Seminar Completion of all core and area of emphasis courses or permission of the program director
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 411 American Constitutional Law I
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 222 Devel Psychology:Young/Late Adult PSY 190
PSY 270 Human Sexuality
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 332 Personality PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
SA 575 Sport Facilities Mgmt
SCM 320 Global Supply Chain Management
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 334 Intro to Sociological Res Meth PSY 190, SOC 110 or CJ 224
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU
SPED 465 Meth/Curr Behav Disorders Prek-12 EDU 110, SPED 304, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 477 Career & Vocational Programming EDU 110, SPED 304, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 559 Home/School/Community Relations
SPED 565 Methods/Curriculum: BD PK-12
SPED 577 Career & Vocational Programming

Session 6 (07/07/2025 – 08/14/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ACCT 322 Intermediate Financial Acctng II ACCT 321
ACCT 425 Auditing ACCT 322
ACCT 432 Acctng for Not-For-Profit Orgztn ACCT 202
ACCT 547 Contemporary Topics/Financial Acctg Undergraduate degree in accounting or 30 semester credits of undergraduate accounting
ACCT 552 Forensic Accounting
ACCT 553 Advanced Managerial Accounting
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference
ART 100 Introduction to Art
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 362 Supervision BA 210, BA 361
BA 371 Training and Development BA 361
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 393 Personnel Selection & Evaluation BA 361
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation BA 210, BA 361
BA 454 Management Cases BA 361, BA 423, and completion of all management-business core requirements.
BA 506 Org Strategy/Econ Change
BA 508 Curr Issues:Corp Law/Ethics
BA 509 Theories of Leadership
BA 511 Corp Entr/Sustainabiliy
BA 520 Training and Development
BA 524 Managing in th International Envir
BA 544 Organizational & Mgmt Theories
BA 546 Compensation & Benefits
BA 553 Organizational Development
BA 555 Organizational Culture
BA 590 Research Seminar All core requirements and only 6 required credit hours or less remaining in the program.
BIO 165 Human Biology & Nutrition
CJ 337 Victimology SOC 110
CJ 365 Introduction to Policing CJ 224
CJ 428 Offender Treatment CJ 224
COMM 105 Public Speaking
COMM 286 Radio Production
ECE 334 Field Exp:Infant/Toddler
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
EDU 142 Human Growth/Develop/Guidance
EDU 519 Teaching with Technology
EDU 526 Selective Methods
EDU 531 Tchg/Working:Multicltrl Setting
EDU 533
EDU 581 Admin/Literacy Programs
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ENG 290 The Movies
ES 117 Natural Disasters
ES 161 Intro to Environmental Science
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
FIN 536 Derivatives and Risk Management
GRAF 218 Digital Photography
HA 515 Marketing and Strategic Planning in Healthcare
HA 530 Population Health Informatics HA 525, or permission of the program chair
HA 534 Healthcare Economics
HA 551 Introduction to Gerontology
HIST 110 American History to 1877
HSA 360 Health Care Law and Ethics HSA 205
HSA 440 Health Services Administration BA 210
HSA 460 Health Services Policy/Regulation
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 384 Social Welfare Programs/Policies SOC 110
HSV 397 Social Gerontology PSY 190
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
IS 242 Human Computer Interaction Sophomore status
IT 213 Operating Systems IT 140, IT 206
IT 332 Databases and Information Management CS 140 or IS 310
MBA 500 Accounting & Finance Principles Graduate standing
MBA 501 Managerial Communication
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Prerequisite for Marketing majors: MKT 208 or permission of instructor. Recommended for all majors: MKT 208 and PSY 190 or SOC 110 or permission of instructor.
MKT 504 Mktg/Product Mgmt
MUS 202 American Popular Music
PA 500 Writing for Public Administrators
PA 503 Research Methods for Public Administration
PA 507 Ethics of Public Service
PA 532 Human Res Mgmt/Public Org
PA 553 Seminar in Juvenile Justice
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 230 State and Local Government
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 212 Devel Psychology:Birth to Adol PSY 190
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 312 Psychology of Women and Gender
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 355 Skills/Strategies in Helping Prof PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 445 Learning and Memory PSY 190
SCM 410 Quality Management
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 347 Deviance and Social Control SOC 110
SPED 459 Home/School/Comm Relations EDU 110, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 468 Coordination of Occupational Prog SPED 304, SPED 477, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 469 Meth/Curr:Lrng Disab K-12 EDU 110, SPED 304, SPED 467, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 477 Career & Vocational Programming EDU 110, SPED 304, And admittance to the Teacher Education Program
SPED 559 Home/School/Community Relations
SPED 562 Individual Behavior/Classroom Mgmt
SPED 568 Coordination of Occupational Prog SPED 577
SPED 569 Meth/Curr:Lrng Disab K-12 SPED 567
SPED 577 Career & Vocational Programming
THE 240 Oral Interpretation

Note: Schedule is subject to change

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