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With Upper Iowa University’s self-paced paper-based format, students are given full flexibility to complete courses without use of technology or internet access. UIU has been offering self-paced programs for almost 50 years, meaning students can receive the same high-quality education wherever they are. Our caring and supportive faculty and staff work closely with you to foster student success.

How Self-Paced Paper-Based Learning Works

With the paper-based format, students will receive a print or PDF version of the course syllabus. The course guide will include textbook information and detailed instructions for completing the course. The guide provides structured lessons that contain an introduction, assigned readings, and written assignments. Course guides for the paper-based option will be sent by U.S. mail or to the student’s University email address.

Advantages of the Self-Paced Program:

  • Allows you to learn in new ways 
  • Makes learning available to those who cannot attend a traditional class 
  • Flexibility to work at your own pace on coursework 
  • One on one contact with faculty

Advantages of the Self-Paced Paper-Based Format:

  • Does not require a computer 
  • Assignments submitted to instructor by mail or email 
  • Exams are conducted through use of a proctor
  • Complete your entire degree in self-paced paper-based format
  • Transfer up to 78 lower division and 12 upper division credits to UIU
  • 12 start dates a year with rolling admission.

Financial Assistance

Six month self-paced paper-based is only eligible for part-time funding with financial aid.

Looking for a self-paced program that’s fully eligible for financial aid? Consider uiuFlex Semsester.

Schedule – Paper-Based:

2024-2025 Academic Year

Self-paced March Start (03/01/2025 – 08/31/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 317 International Management BA 210, and general education cultures requirement
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 362 Supervision BA 210, BA 361
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt BA 210
BA 371 Training and Development BA 361
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation BA 210, BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 474 Organizational Behavior PSY 190 or SOC 110
BIO 100 General Biological Science
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 237 Criminal Law and Procedure CJ 224
CJ 299 Special Project Criminal Justice minors must have completed all minor requirements.,
CJ 362 Criminal Investigations CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 380 Introduction to Corrections CJ 224
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ES 321 Building an Eco-Economy ES 100 or ES 161 or GEOG 100, or consent of instructor.
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
GEOG 100 Intro to Physical Geography
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 397 Social Gerontology PSY 190
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone At least 45 credits toward the completion of the Associate of Arts Liberal Art Emphasis degree.
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Prerequisite for Marketing majors: MKT 208 or permission of instructor. Recommended for all majors: MKT 208 and PSY 190 or SOC 110 or permission of instructor.
MKT 414 New Product Development MKT 208
PA 430 Cases in Public Administration PA 364
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 49802 Senior Project EDM ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 380 Congress and the Presidency
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 240 Conflict Resolution
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 332 Personality PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
REL 120 Intro to World Religions
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU

Self-paced April Start (04/01/2025 – 09/30/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 317 International Management BA 210, and general education cultures requirement
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 362 Supervision BA 210, BA 361
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt BA 210
BA 371 Training and Development BA 361
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation BA 210, BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 474 Organizational Behavior PSY 190 or SOC 110
BIO 100 General Biological Science
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 237 Criminal Law and Procedure CJ 224
CJ 299 Special Project Criminal Justice minors must have completed all minor requirements.,
CJ 362 Criminal Investigations CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 380 Introduction to Corrections CJ 224
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ES 321 Building an Eco-Economy ES 100 or ES 161 or GEOG 100, or consent of instructor.
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
GEOG 100 Intro to Physical Geography
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 397 Social Gerontology PSY 190
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone At least 45 credits toward the completion of the Associate of Arts Liberal Art Emphasis degree.
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Prerequisite for Marketing majors: MKT 208 or permission of instructor. Recommended for all majors: MKT 208 and PSY 190 or SOC 110 or permission of instructor.
MKT 414 New Product Development MKT 208
PA 430 Cases in Public Administration PA 364
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 49802 Senior Project EDM ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 380 Congress and the Presidency
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 240 Conflict Resolution
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 332 Personality PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
REL 120 Intro to World Religions
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU

Self-paced May Start (05/01/2025 – 10/31/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 317 International Management BA 210, and general education cultures requirement
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 362 Supervision BA 210, BA 361
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt BA 210
BA 371 Training and Development BA 361
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation BA 210, BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 474 Organizational Behavior PSY 190 or SOC 110
BIO 100 General Biological Science
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 237 Criminal Law and Procedure CJ 224
CJ 299 Special Project Criminal Justice minors must have completed all minor requirements.,
CJ 362 Criminal Investigations CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 380 Introduction to Corrections CJ 224
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ES 321 Building an Eco-Economy ES 100 or ES 161 or GEOG 100, or consent of instructor.
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
GEOG 100 Intro to Physical Geography
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 397 Social Gerontology PSY 190
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone At least 45 credits toward the completion of the Associate of Arts Liberal Art Emphasis degree.
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Prerequisite for Marketing majors: MKT 208 or permission of instructor. Recommended for all majors: MKT 208 and PSY 190 or SOC 110 or permission of instructor.
MKT 414 New Product Development MKT 208
PA 430 Cases in Public Administration PA 364
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 49802 Senior Project EDM ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 380 Congress and the Presidency
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 240 Conflict Resolution
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 332 Personality PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
REL 120 Intro to World Religions
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU

Self-paced June Start (06/01/2025 – 11/30/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 317 International Management BA 210, and general education cultures requirement
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 362 Supervision BA 210, BA 361
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt BA 210
BA 371 Training and Development BA 361
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation BA 210, BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 474 Organizational Behavior PSY 190 or SOC 110
BIO 100 General Biological Science
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 237 Criminal Law and Procedure CJ 224
CJ 299 Special Project Criminal Justice minors must have completed all minor requirements.,
CJ 362 Criminal Investigations CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 380 Introduction to Corrections CJ 224
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ES 321 Building an Eco-Economy ES 100 or ES 161 or GEOG 100, or consent of instructor.
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
GEOG 100 Intro to Physical Geography
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 397 Social Gerontology PSY 190
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone At least 45 credits toward the completion of the Associate of Arts Liberal Art Emphasis degree.
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Prerequisite for Marketing majors: MKT 208 or permission of instructor. Recommended for all majors: MKT 208 and PSY 190 or SOC 110 or permission of instructor.
MKT 414 New Product Development MKT 208
PA 430 Cases in Public Administration PA 364
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 49802 Senior Project EDM ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 380 Congress and the Presidency
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 240 Conflict Resolution
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 332 Personality PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
REL 120 Intro to World Religions
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU

Self-paced July Start (07/01/2025 – 12/31/2025)

Course # & Title Prerequisites
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, or transfer course equivalent.
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II ACCT 201
ANTH 120 Culture and Difference
BA 210 Management Principles
BA 222 Management Information Systems BA 210
BA 256 Quantitative Analysis/Business I , IS 102 and achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, MATH 220, ACCT 201, or transfer course equivalent.
BA 302 Business Law and Ethics
BA 317 International Management BA 210, and general education cultures requirement
BA 325 New Venture Creation MKT 208, BA 210
BA 356 Quantitative Analysis/Bus II BA 256 or MATH 220 or instructor approval.
BA 361 Human Resources Management BA 210
BA 362 Supervision BA 210, BA 361
BA 370 Entrepreneurship/Small Bus Mgmt BA 210
BA 371 Training and Development BA 361
BA 374 Business Communication ENG 102
BA 411 Labor Relations and Negotiation BA 210, BA 361
BA 423 Production/Operations Management BA 210, and BA 256 or MATH 220
BA 460 Strategic Management Senior standing and within 9 credit hours of program completion.
BA 474 Organizational Behavior PSY 190 or SOC 110
BIO 100 General Biological Science
CJ 224 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 237 Criminal Law and Procedure CJ 224
CJ 299 Special Project Criminal Justice minors must have completed all minor requirements.,
CJ 362 Criminal Investigations CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 367 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 224 or CHEM 102
CJ 380 Introduction to Corrections CJ 224
CJ 499 Special Project Senior Status
COMM 200 Interpersonal Communication
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 160
ENG 101 English Composition I ACT (verbal portion) of at least 18 or the completion of ENG 100 or successful performance on challenge examination
ENG 102 English Composition II ENG 101
ES 321 Building an Eco-Economy ES 100 or ES 161 or GEOG 100, or consent of instructor.
FIN 341 Corporate Financial Management ECON 161, ACCT 202, Or permission of instructor
GEOG 100 Intro to Physical Geography
HSV 361 Marriage and the Family SOC 110
HSV 383 Human Behavior: Social Environment SOC 110 or PSY 190
HSV 397 Social Gerontology PSY 190
HSV 498 Senior Project ENG 102 and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU.
IS 102 Intro Computer Applications and Technology
LA 298 Associate of Arts Capstone At least 45 credits toward the completion of the Associate of Arts Liberal Art Emphasis degree.
MATH 105 College Mathematics/Applications Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
MATH 220 Elementary Statistics Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
MKT 208 Marketing Principles
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior Prerequisite for Marketing majors: MKT 208 or permission of instructor. Recommended for all majors: MKT 208 and PSY 190 or SOC 110 or permission of instructor.
MKT 414 New Product Development MKT 208
PA 430 Cases in Public Administration PA 364
PA 49801 Senior Project Public Admin ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PA 49802 Senior Project EDM ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 202 Contemporary Ethics
PS 100 U. S. Government
PS 380 Congress and the Presidency
PSY 190 General Psychology
PSY 240 Conflict Resolution
PSY 302 Substance Abuse SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 310 Social Psychology SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 321 Death and Dying ENG 101
PSY 323 Cognition PSY 190
PSY 332 Personality PSY 190
PSY 338 Motivation PSY 190
PSY 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 190
PSY 373 Research Methods SOC 110 or PSY 190
PSY 498 Senior Project ENG 102, and 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU. PSY 49801 for psychology majors, PSY 49803 for social science majors.
REL 120 Intro to World Religions
SOC 110 Principles of Sociology
SOC 220 Social Problems
SOC 240 Diversity in the United States
SOC 498 Senior Project ENG 102, SOC 334, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through UIU

Note: Schedule is subject to change

Course length is up to six months with start dates on the first day of each month

Select undergraduate majors available

Federal Financial Aid available to those who qualify

Transfer up to 90 college credits from other colleges. Ask about qualifying for experiential credits.

Military Friendly program offering servicemembers flexibility regardless of where they are located


First-time, transfer, online, international and military students: No matter your path or previous experience, we’ll help you every step of the way.

Academic Resources

Providing resources to support you through your classes.