
Alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of Upper Iowa University will once again have the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of future UIU students during the annual Celebrate UIU Days Thursday, April 22 – Friday, April 23.
As part of celebrating the event’s 5th anniversary, UIU has set a record goal of 1,000 donations. Over the previous four years, over $432,200 was contributed by nearly 1,300 donors.
People can follow Celebrate UIU Day through the UIU Alumni & Friends Facebook page and other UIU social media to receive regular progress updates. Those wishing to show their support can share favorite UIU photos and memories via social media by using the hashtag #CELEBRATEUIU, add a frame to their Facebook profile picture, update their Facebook and Twitter cover photos to promote Celebrate UIU Day, and make a gift before the event concludes at 3:57 p.m. Friday, April 23. Organizers noted that gifts in any amount are helpful.
For more information on becoming one of this year’s 1,000 donors or to participate in this year’s Celebrate UIU Day, visit uiu.edu/celebrateuiu.