Tutoring and Writing Services
Academic Support for Upper Iowa University students.

Accudemia is an online platform that allows students to schedule in-person or Zoom appointments with our tutors.

Pear Deck Tutor
Pear Deck Tutor provides 24/7 tutoring services in over 300 subject areas.
Writing services via Pear Deck Tutor are asynchronous. Expect a response within 12 hours of submission.
To access Pear Deck Tutor, sign into MyApps and choose Pear Deck Tutor, or login to uiuLearn and select Pear Deck Tutor from the Student Resources tab on the top toolbar.

Asynchronous Writing Consultations for Online and Center Students
Asynchronous writing consultations for all online and center students are available via Accudemia. Submit your work (via a new online writing submission) to trained writing consultants who will provide you with detailed feedback for your writing project.

UIU Writing Resources
Resources about formatting, citation, academic writing styles, grammar, and avoiding plagiarism.

Calculator Checkout
Scientific calculators (TI-30 XIIS) and graphing calculators (TI-83) are also available through the Tutor Center. Calculators can be checked out on a per-term basis and renewed per-term as necessary. Graphing calculators are reserved for students in the calculus series or above.

Upper Iowa provides free access to Grammarly to all students. Email Tutoring and Writing Services to get started [email protected]