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Course Category: Mathematics

This course emphasizes study skills for algebra and calculator use while covering the following topics: basic algebra including real numbers, variable expressions, solving equations and equation applications. This course is designed for students who have not had a mathematics course for several years or who have never had an algebra course. This course is the first in a series of two courses that will prepare the student for the general education requirement in mathematics. This course may not be taken for credit after successfully completing a higher level math course. Note: credit from courses below the 100-level does not count toward the minimum 120 hours required for graduation.
This course covers topics needed to successfully complete the College Mathematics course. Topics include: polynomials and exponents, factoring and solutions of quadratic equations, rational expressions and equations and linear equations. This course will prepare students for the general education requirement in mathematics. This course may not be taken for credit after successfully completing a higher level math course. Note: credit from courses below the 100-level does not count toward the minimum 120 hours required for graduation.
Prerequisite for Fayette campus only: Pass MATH 090 or ACT math score = 15 or an alternative placement mechanism as approved by the math department or instructor approval.
This course discusses a variety of mathematical techniques to improve the ability to critically reason and solve quantitative problems in realistic contexts. Topics include; logical analysis, sets, unit analysis, money management.
This course prepares students to apply numerical, graphical, and algebraic representations appropriately to enable them to model complex situations using mathematical structures and increase their problem-solving skills.  During this course the students will solve problems from different topics of mathematics.  Topics include set theory, algebra, graphs, counting techniques, probability, statistics, personal finance, and number representation. 
Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 14-29 or pass a developmental-level MATH or quantitative reasoning course.
This course is a survey of mathematical applications of functions. Topics that will be covered include: fundamental concepts of algebra, algebraic equations and inequalities; functions and graphs; zeros of polynomial functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and inequalities. The mathematics of personal finance will also be studied.
Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101 or transfer course equivalent.
This course is a study of functions, with specific focus on polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and piecewise-defined functions. Representing functions, graphing functions, combining functions, and modeling with functions will be discussed.
Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, or transfer course equivalent.
This course examines quantitative methods for treating problems arising in biological, management, and social sciences. Topics include a brief review of sets, algebra, graphs, and functions systems of linear equations and matrices; linear programming; probability, derivatives and integrals.
MATH 105, Or approved course in Finite Mathematics or College Algebra
This course is a study of trigonometry and analytic geometry. Topics include trigonometry, polar coordinates, vectors, conic sections, and parametric equations.
Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 61-75 or MATH 107 or transfer course equivalent.
This is the first of four courses combining plane and solid analytic geometry and calculus. This course focuses on differentiation of all elementary and trigonometric functions, including parametric and polar functions.
MATH 115
This is a course in the calculus sequence. This course covers single variable integration techniques, and the application of single variable differential and integral calculus to curves in 2D and 3D.
MATH 120
An introduction to the simpler problems of statistical inference, descriptive statistics, probability distributions, estimation of parameters and level of significance, regression and correlation. This course may not be completed for additional credit by students who have completed MATH 226.
Achieve an ALEKS placement score of 30-60 or MATH 101, MATH 105, MATH 107, or transfer course equivalent.
The content of special topics courses will vary each time a special topic is offered.