Course Category: Health Services Administration
A macro-level examination of the origin, structure and operation of the American health system and its subsystems and components. Topics include the hospital system, public health system, long-term care systems, financing system, health services delivery systems, healthcare providers and contemporary issues confronting the American Health System
This course will provide student experience in a collaborative service-learning framework. Students will be expected to exhibit the skills to work with an interdisciplinary team, communicate efficiently, comprehend cultural and social factors that influence patients, and work effectively with community service organizations.
HSA 205
HSA 205
This course provides an overview of health informatics and data analytics as it relates to managing health services organizations. Health informatics principles and policies will be covered including health data content, collection, quality, access, and retention. The challenges faced by health services administrators related to health informatics including strategic plan alignment, governance, planning initiatives, and assessing and achieving value will also be discussed.
An examination of the origins, organization and operations of managed care programs, including the structures, practice models, roles of clinicians, capitation, and health services payment systems.
HSA 205
HSA 205
An examination of the origins, organization and operations of long-term care facilities such as assisted living homes, hospice and nursing homes. Topics include the continuum of long-term care, and the role and relationship of various long-term care facilities and programs to acute care and the American Health System.
HSA 205
HSA 205
An examination of the origin, structure and issues relating to the provision of community and public health services. Topics include an introduction to epidemiology, community needs assessment, social and cultural influences on utilization of community and public health services and the problems related to community and public health.
HSA 205
HSA 205
This course provides an overview of methods of teaching for successful learning. A wide variety of teaching/learning styles and assessment strategies will guide dental hygienists to provide effective education in patient care and in dental hygiene educational settings.
HSA 240
HSA 240
Examines population health management focusing on strategies to improve health and quality of care with an emphasis on cost control management.
MATH 220 or HSA 241 or consent of instructor
MATH 220 or HSA 241 or consent of instructor
This course is designed to provide an introduction to legal and ethical issues related to the operations of health services organizations. Topics will include an examination of major ethical theories, ethics and compliance laws, HIPAA, DNR orders, living wills, power of attorney, informed consent, and an overview of the legal system as it relates to health services delivery.
HSA 205
HSA 205
An analysis of the financial management of health services organizations and issues related to the financial management of health services organizations, particularly acute care facilities such as hospitals. Topics include the economic analysis of public and private financing, health insurance, and other forms of health services payment.
An examination of the legal issues related to the operation of health services organizations, including contracts, licensure, informed consent, tort, medical staff appointments and an overview of the legal system as it related to health services delivery.
PS 100
PS 100
An analysis of the structure and operation of various types of health services organizations, including their internal departments, and management of the facilities with particular emphasis on acute care facilities.
BA 210
BA 210
An examination of the regulatory environment and health policy formation process at the federal, state and local levels. Topics include the historical process of key health legislation such as Medicare and Medicaid, cost controls, regulatory compliance and oversight, utilization review, prospective payment system, value based purchasing, and political factors related to formulation and implementation of health policy.
This course correlates with HSA 330 Teaching Methodology, which provides an overview of teaching techniques for successful learning. A wide variety of teaching/learning styles and assessment strategies will guide dental hygienists to provide effective education to various audiences in patient care and in dental hygiene educational settings. This course requires students to observe, perform, and apply teaching methodologies for useful education in variable settings; in didactic and/or clinical dental hygiene educational programs or approved alternate sites such as private practice, public health, and professional mentoring situations.
HSA 330
HSA 330
An examination of the major concepts, methodologies and issues related to the planning and evaluation of health services delivery programs. Topics include internal and external validity threat, experimental, quasi-experimental and non-experimental study designs, and analysis techniques.
HSA 362
HSA 362