Evacuation Plan
If a building must be evacuated, notification will be given via one or more of the following:
- Fire alarm(s) will be pulled
- Evacuation will be announced via emergency notification system (RAVE)
- Website
- Other communications device
When safe to do so, Emergency Management Team members will circulate to give directions about the emergency and next steps to take.
Do not pull the fire alarm for a natural gas leak or any other potential explosive gas emergency.
If you have been ordered to evacuate, occupants should:
- Close doors as they exit (unless otherwise instructed), use the stairs, and exit the building at the closest exit (if clear of danger). Do not use the elevator during fires.
- Remain calm, do not panic, and proceed calmly to the exterior, assisting others whenever possible.
- Proceed to the designated meeting area.
- Anyone who requires assistance with evacuation, and those who have volunteered to assist them, should report to predetermined areas for rescue assistance.
- The Building Captain should make every attempt to account for all persons.
- Follow directions from emergency responders and inform them of any known missing or injured persons.
- Do not re-enter the building until the “all clear” signal is given indicating it is safe to enter the building.
Emergency Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities
IF A STUDENT: Each term, or as needed, students with disabilities should identify themselves and their disability (e.g., mobility, visual, hearing, speech or multiple impairments), and discuss emergency evacuation plans with Disability Services.
IF AN EMPLOYEE: Annually, or as needed, the employee should meet with Human Resources and their department supervisor to discuss their disability (e.g., mobility, visual, hearing, speech or multiple impairments) and emergency evacuation plans.