TO: Faculty and Staff
SUBJECT: Welcome Back and Fall Planning Update
Dear Faculty and Staff,
I want to begin by welcoming new and returning students to UIU and express my appreciation for the great work faculty and staff throughout the University have done to prepare classes, services and amenities for the arrival of students. While this year has presented many challenges, I am inspired by your determination and dedication. I am also excited to hear the stories of student achievements and experiences that will result from your hard work.
Crisis Leave Policy and Donation: Per the announcement on August 26, the recent change to the crisis leave pool to allow employees to donate six days per year has been extended through June 30, 2021. As a reminder, UIU’s crisis leave pool serves as a depository into which full-time staff members may donate accrued vacation leave time for allocation to other employees who are experiencing hardship. To participate, log in to myUIU and then click this link: Crisis Leave Donation Form. When complete, submit to [email protected]. (Please log into myUIU prior to clicking the Crisis Leave Donation Form link).
Student Move-In: As a reminder, move-in at Fayette Campus is occurring through this weekend. In an effort to reduce the number of people in any one place at one time, move-in times are scheduled in advance for each student, and students are limited to no more than two guests during their assigned move-in time. The schedule of activities for arriving students was also designed with distancing in mind. If you are willing and able to assist with move-in or one or more of the scheduled activities, please contact Jake Bass at [email protected].
Student CARE Plan: UIU’s CARE Team has summarized our careful and thorough planning and preparation for Fayette Campus into a useful CARE Plan for distribution to Fayette Campus students. This booklet, available on the website (PDF), was sent to Fayette students via email and will also be distributed in print form during move-in or upon arrival to classes. It contains helpful information, guidance and protocols students can use in their learning and living environments to promote a healthier and safer UIU community. Additionally, a message was sent to center students on August 26 providing guidance.
Student Health and Safety Pledge: As part of the CARE Plan distributed to students at Fayette Campus, students will be asked to complete and sign a Health and Safety Pledge at the start of Session One, similar to the one that faculty and staff were asked to complete. The pledge includes a commitment to comply with Campus safety protocols and guidelines and will be available to students to complete electronically on myUIU. Violations or disregard of safety policies and protocols will be treated as violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The pledge can be found by clicking the link below (failure to complete the form does not excuse the student from adhering to the UIU safety protocols and guidelines).
Daily Symptom Checking App: Fayette students are required to conduct a daily self-screening via an online platform, accessible via the student’s computer, tablet or mobile device. Based on submitted responses, the student will receive a “score” for that day and instructions that coincide with their score. Instructions have been sent to students on how to access the app.
Face Coverings and Distancing: Distancing and face coverings are two of the most effective ways to limit virus transmission. UIU has adopted a mandatory face-covering guideline requiring individuals to wear a face covering whenever distancing is not possible. The CDC recommends cloth masks be multilayer with a high-thread count, finer weave and water-resistant fabric. Thank you to everyone for doing your part in creating a safer University environment.
Face Shield Use: Face shields may only be worn as an alternative to face masks when a faculty, staff or student is teaching, presenting or speaking to a class or large gathering AND maintaining at least six feet of distance from the nearest person. When in small groups or in close proximity to others, masks are required, with exception to those needing special accommodations.
Free Testing in Fayette: Scott’s Pharmacy in Fayette is offering free COVID-19 testing. To learn more, please contact Scott’s Pharmacy. Individuals interested in a test will need to register at https://doineedacovid19test.com/Fayette_IA_900.html to schedule an appointment time. You will then receive a voucher for a free test, which needs to be printed and brought with you to the testing appointment. Testing is done outside and takes a very short time.
Department Plans: These continue to be updated on myUIU as needed. The most recent updates are the REC Center and Athletics. Please click the link below to review the plans.
- Informational signs and arrows to assist with best practices and distancing have been placed throughout campus. If you need additional signs for your area, please email [email protected]. There are signs that are preprinted; please check on availability prior to visiting the Printshop. The sign files can also be found on myUIU by clicking the link below.
- “Stand Here” and blue directional arrows can be requested by contacting Janelle Soppe at [email protected].
Link for Fayette Student Pledge, Department Plans and Signage: https://my.uiu.edu/ICS/Campus_Life/President’s_Communication/Default_Page.jnz?portlet=Handouts&screen=MainView&screenType=next (Please log into myUIU prior to clicking the link).
COVID-19 Dashboard: The University continues to post a dashboard on our website that includes the number of Fayette Campus students and employees who test positive for COVID-19, as well as those in isolation (generally the same people who have tested positive) or quarantine. The link can be found on the COVID-19 update page of UIU’s website. The dashboard is updated once a day Monday through Friday. As of today, the dashboard reflects that 3 people have tested positive and are in isolation, and 5 are quarantined. The dashboard will be updated to split isolation and quarantine reporting for on-campus and off-campus counts.
It is important for all members of the UIU community to remember the importance of following health and safety guidelines if we are to maintain a safer University community. I thank all faculty and staff for being roles models of these guidelines for our students and those who visit our University.
William R. Duffy II, Ed.D., Ed.S.
Upper Iowa University