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General Questions

How do people send me mail?

The student mailroom is located in the Student Center on the Fayette Campus. Residents must go to the window in order to receive their mailbox combination. Commuting students may request a mailbox assignment. Students can receive items at the following addresses (all mail is delivered to the mailroom):

For US postal mail, please send to:
Student Name
P.O. Box 1857
Fayette, IA 52142

For packages, please send to:
Student Name
605 Washington St.
Fayette, IA 52142

NOTE: Please do not use nicknames. 

Where can I open a bank account, cash checks or get money wired?

There is a bank located in Fayette on Main Street called First State Bank, which is within walking distance from Fayette Campus. Several banks are also available in West Union and Oelwein.

Where can I buy food, go shopping, etc.?

Fayette has a Dollar General within walking distance of Fayette Campus. They offer a few basic dry goods, along with milk, eggs, cheese and other staples. West Union and Oelwein also have a variety of grocery stores and small shopping stores. Students are able to sign up in Student Life for weekend shuttle service to shopping malls. The mall trip schedule rotates between Waterloo and Dubuque.

Where can I rent a loft or microfridge, or purchase linens?

We understand that many of our students are not from nearby areas and need the option to rent lofts or microfridges, or purchase linens. Please click on the links below for more information on what’s available to students.

What is the procedure for placing items in UIU storage?

  1. Call RA on call and arrange a time bring your items to storage. Bring your items to Garbee 1st Floor North (Hallway near laundry room and north side’s dumpster) and call again when items are all moved to this location.
  2. Ensure all items are in boxes or other containers to make moving as efficient as possible when you are ready to check out. Mark each individual box or container with painter’s tape and label each box with your name and date in permanent marker (Sharpie). Tape and markers are provided by Res Life staff in the storage room in Garbee.
  3. Once all of your items have been organized on a single pallet, Res Life will instruct you to label each outer item with your name and date.
  4. Large furniture is not permissible.  One pallet max is allowed. Alternative options for larger storage locations are:
    1. Doug Martin: 563-380-2279
    2. Post Property Services: 563-419-1076
  5. Each student will be charged $150. Sharing is not allowed.

  6. PLEASE make sure you still CHECKOUT of your room. Checkouts cannot be completed until all items have been moved out of your room.
  7. This charge will be added to your student account automatically.
  8. Items will be kept by UIU a max of one calendar year. If you exceed the calendar year, you are agreeing to allow UIU to donate your items.  Call the RA on call numbers to retrieve your items in August.

Who can I call if I have a residence life oriented complaint?

If you have issues or complaints, we first encourage you to attempt a solution on your own or talk with your RA. However, if the issues cannot be resolved and further action needs to be taken, please contact your residence area coordinator or student life below.

Housing Questions

How do I sign up for housing?

Complete the Housing Application to reserve your housing preference. You must submit your deposit before completing the form. Assignments are administered on a first-come, first-served basis, in the order deposits are received.

Who would I talk to about housing?

Please contact Student Life by either emailing [email protected] or calling (563) 425-5215.

How can I find my housing assignment and roommate?

You can locate your housing assignment by logging into myUIU, click on the Academics tab and then click on Student Life. Your housing information should be under the Current Residence Information link. If you cannot see this information, please contact [email protected] or call (563) 425-5215.

How do I request to live off campus/commute to campus?

You can fill out the residency requirement waiver by logging into myUIU, click on the Academics tab and the click on Student Life. The form is under the Residency Requirement Waiver link.

What do I do if I want to change rooms/ change roommates?

If you want to change rooms or change roommates, we encourage that you talk to your RA first to see if there is an issue that can be resolved. If the issue cannot be resolved, please contact your Residence Area Coordinator.

What are the room dimensions in the South Villages?

Each suite in the South Villages offers a unique dynamic in size for our residents. Therefore, it is difficult to give and exact dimension for each room but below you will find average dimensions for the various rooms in the South Villages.

Common area: 10×20

Single: 16×6

Double: 11×16

Single+: 10X10

Living on Campus

What do I do if something in my room is broken?

If something is broken or not working, contact your RA and they will get a work order put in to get it fixed.

When do I need to be out of the residence halls by at the end of the year?

We ask residence to be moved out of the residence halls 24 hours after their last final. Sign up with your RA for a date and time to move out. If you have any questions please contact your Residence Area Coordinator.

Can I store my things over the summer?

  1. Yes you can store your items over the summer. The price is as follows: Half Room $150.00 Full Room $300.00. Furniture and beds will not be removed. the fee must be paid in full before storage can be placed in room.
  2. Go to myUIU and under Acadmeics in the Student Life folder you will find the application to store your items. Students are responsible for completing the form and a professional staff member (Student Life staff) will sign off when student completes placing items into the storage room. Pictures of the room will be kept with the contract on file.
  3. Items will be kept in the room for 30 calendar days once classes begin. If items are not picked up they will be donated to a local shelter or the Peacock Pantry. If the student leaves/withdraws from the University. They will have 30 calendar days once the Registrar declares them withdrawn from the University to claim their belongings or they will be donated.
  4. No perishable items will be kept in storage. UIU is not responsible for damaged items during storage.
  5. Students can decide to work together to store items but only 1 person is a representative for the group and has permission to enter the storage area. Phone/In person authorization can be given for others but itemized lists must be broken down and labeled correctly for item(s) to leave storage.
  6. Removal of storage items must be done during business hours or with permission of Residence Life Staff.

Are there separate restrooms available in the residence halls?

South Village suites have one restroom for suitemates to share. Garbee Hall has community restrooms on each floor. There are individual restrooms available to students on the lower level of Garbee and South Villages.

What should I bring with me when I move to campus?

You should bring bare necessities, academic and laundry supplies, along with storage items and snacks. A sample list of items can be found in the FYI Booklet or watch the video above.

What is not allowed in residence halls?

The following items are not allowed in residence halls:

  • Candles or incenses
  • Extension cords (use a surge protector power strip)
  • Hot pots/Toasters and open element items
  • Weapons

For more information regarding all living policies please review the Student Handbook.

What is the likelihood that I will be able to live where I want?

Housing is on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, it all depends on how soon you make an admission deposit. Once you submit the deposit, you are able to apply for housing.

What kind of bedrooms are available in apartment style living?

South Villages and Lee Towers are the two apartment style living options on campus. The main difference between Lee Towers and South Villages is Lee has a full kitchen whereas South Village 2 and South Village 3 have a kitchenette. Both Lee Towers and South Villages offer apartments that have a shared living space and up to four bedrooms that can be shared or single.

I locked myself out of my room. How do I get back in?

Please find the RA responsible for your building or contact with RA on call at (563) 419-4250 (South Buildings) or at (563) 379-1407 (North Buildings). For South Village Residents, you may also visit Student Life (located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center) during business hours for a new or a temporary card.

How do I become a Resident Assistant?

We’re happy to hear that your residence life experience and relationship with your RA has led you to this great decision! Applications to become an RA are sent out every February. If you have any questions please contact your RA or Residence Area Coordinator.

Can I have an animal?

You can have fish in a tank less than 25 gallons or an approved Emotional Support Animal. More information about Service Animals can be found here.

What are quiet hours?

Quiet hours are Sunday-Thursday 10:00pm until 10:00am and Friday-Saturday 12:00am until 10:00am.

Can I have my window open?

  • South Villages, no due to the geothermal heating and cooling system.
  • Garbee, yes, but only until it is 32 degrees outside, your RA will let you know when windows need to be closed.

Where does my trash go?

  • South Villages- There are dumpsters between South Village 1 and South Village 2 and outside the back doors of South Village 3
  • Lee- There is a dumpster in the South Village 1 parking lot
  • Garbee- The dumpster for Garbee South residents is in the Student Center parking lot and the dumpster for Garbee North residents is by the loading dock closest to the Andres Center.

Do I need a shower curtain?

  • South Village and Lee – You are responsible for this.
  • Garbee, they are provided.