TO: Fayette Campus Students
SUBJECT: Return to Campus Information
As we continue to prepare for your official arrival on Fayette Campus, we want to reassure you that we are working hard to create and maintain a safe Campus life environment throughout the school year. In doing so, we wish to remind you that it will take everyone’s commitment to following the best practices for reducing the possibility of COVID-19 transmission among the Peacock community.
We join you in the sometimes difficult process of adjusting to a new normal. But we do so in respectful consideration of the health, safety and wellness of every Upper Iowa University community member. In addition to maintaining social distancing, one of the best actions we can all take is wearing a face covering.
The following are only a few of the ways that we plan to provide you the best educational experience as safely as possible.
Everyone will be required to wear face masks while moving about the dining hall to ensure social distancing. Students, faculty and staff may be assigned a dining time for lunch and dinner to avoid the “rush” and overcrowding it can create. More information about this will be included upon your arrival to Campus.
The Student Center Servery is being reconfigured to eliminate all cafeteria-style food service stations. The dining hall area will be expanded, with tables placed to ensure social distancing and only six seats per table. Students can also take their food back to their respective residence hall or wherever else they choose to eat it. All food will be available for takeout or, in the instance of a student being quarantined or in isolation, for delivery. Individually wrapped items will also be available at the Café.
All staff will be trained in and required to diligently follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocols on infection prevention, including physical distancing, hand washing, avoiding touching the face, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and temp checks prior to every shift. In addition, staff will wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times.
What If You Are Ill?
According to the CDC, people with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms — from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
Look for emergency warning signs for COVID-19, such as trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, and bluish lips or face. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately per the guidelines below.
If your temperature is over 100.4°F or if you have unexplained symptoms as referenced above or if you answer “yes” to any of the questions on the Symptoms Checklist, you should return immediately to your home or residence hall room, refrain from attending in-seat classes or other activities, self-monitor your symptoms, and contact Matt Rueckert in Athletic Training. He will help you contact Health Services for directions on how to self-monitor and whether testing is warranted, determine whether you should relocate into quarantine or isolation housing, and help you contact your personal health care provider for further guidance.
Safe Colleges Training Required
All students attending classes at Fayette Campus are required to complete a Safe Colleges online training course to ensure they are fully informed about the University’s policies, protocols and expectations for ensuring campus health and safety.
Topics will include:
• Signs and symptoms of COVID-19
• Daily check-ins, including symptom and temperature checking
• Residence hall rules and guidelines
• Guests on Campus
• Campus services
• How to stay healthy
• What to do if you’re sick
• Quarantine and Isolation: What to do, what’s the difference?
Return to Campus Booklet
A Return to Campus booklet, including the preceding and other COVID-19-related information, will soon be sent electronically to all Campus students. A printed version of this guidebook will be given to you when you arrive at Campus, along with your UIU mask. For additional information about moving to Campus or questions about your housing arrangement, contact Student Life at 563.425.5215 or [email protected]. Past and updated University COVID-19-related messages can also be viewed here.
Thank you,
Student Life | Upper Iowa University
563.425.5215 | fax: 563.425.5355