Course Category: Public Administration
Special Topics courses are studies of selected problems, periods or movements in the subject area not otherwise included in the curriculum. They are typically chosen from a faculty member’s particular expertise and field of scholarly inquiry, and offered to a student or group of students forming an interest in the particular subject matter. The 250 designation denotes a General Education level of instruction and may include an appropriate General Education task to be completed. The 450 designation denotes a senior level degree of sophistication expected in both learning and instruction. A single course may be offered at both levels simultaneously, in which case the syllabus will clearly differentiate the course expectations and assessment measures for students enrolled at each of the two levels. A Special Topics course must be approved by the School of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee before it is offered, and it must address one or more Major Outcomes within the discipline.
This course is designed to introduce students to grantsmanship principles and practices. Students will develop grant-seeking and grant-writing skills through practical learning opportunities. Students will learn to develop strong problem statements and designs for grants, seek out resources for funding, write a proposal, and develop budget and management strategies for the proposed project.
ENG 102
ENG 102
This course introduces students to the field of emergency management. Learners will analyze various aspects of terrorism and emergency management and the responsibilities of public administrators for emergency management and preparedness in a variety of situations. Procedures and requirements for emergency management, including identification of hazards and response capabilities in both government and the private sector, will be examined.
Introduces concepts and basic descriptive information about the political system within the context of disaster policy and explores how political factors play a role in all phases of emergency management - regardless of the type or nature of the disaster event.
Explores the needs of public safety officials who have responsibility for emergency preparedness planning and response. Includes contexts for emergency planning—legal and jurisdictional; responsibility for planning and responding to emergencies; different types of emergencies, and an approach to planning that can be applied to emergency situations. Addresses specific issues associated with the planning process, including the role of the manager, the necessity for multi-agency involvement, various analytical techniques employed in planning, different levels of emergency planning, and different elements of the plan. Utilizes case analysis and discussion.
Theoretical examination and practical application of post-disaster management activities including human behavior in emergency situations, warning, evacuation, sheltering, triage, damage assessment, disaster declaration, debris removal, media relations, crisis counseling, individual and public assistance, and other relevant functions. Decision making, incident command, EOC operations, coordination and service delivery strategies are also discussed.
PA 332
PA 332
A study of politics, administration and bureaucratic policy making at local, state and national levels, with emphasis on the relationship between governmental bureaucracies and the political system in the United States.
This course examines the history, growth and development of the modern urban area. Urban problems are identified, along with the management skills necessary to deal effectively with them. Urban politics and their impact on policy determination are also examined.
Through a case/scenario driven approach, learners deal with scenario-related threat events of increasing complexity, urgency, and intensity. Participants develop emergency policies, plans, and procedures to ensure an effective response. Preparedness and Response, Recovery and Mitigation, Public and Media Relations, and Political/Public Policy issues are integrated through the case/scenario.
PA 306
PA 306
Exploration of natural and man-made hazard mitigation and its role in disaster management; analysis of past and current government and private sector programs; examination of new approaches; structural versus non-structural actions; role of the natural environment in mitigating natural hazards; role of prevention/preparedness in reducing the impacts of future terrorism events.
A concentrated study of the techniques of public administration, including the public budgeting process, law enforcement administration, recreation administration, and the administration of other public services.
PA 364
PA 364
Areas studied include budget planning, formulation, execution, and auditing; the sharing of taxing and spending power between the executive and legislative branches; the agency role of advocacy in budget preparation; budgets as a reflection of public policy.
Areas explored include bureaucracy and the regulatory process; judicial review of administrative action; the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946; delegation, standing, exhaustion, sovereign immunity, rulemaking, tort liability, evidence, discretion, investigation and enforcement.
A capstone project intended to integrate the general education learning outcomes with the learning outcomes in the major demonstrating baccalaureate level achievement.
ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
A capstone project intended to integrate the general education learning outcomes with the learning outcomes in the major demonstrating baccalaureate level achievement.
ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
ENG 102, And 30 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
This course provides students with the skills necessary to write a variety of documents commonly produced by public administrators in the field. There are two overriding focal points for the course: 1) Introducing students to writing as a democratic process that will likely involve controversial issues and many different internal and external stakeholders, and 2) Learning about the contemporary writing conventions of government and non-profit organizations. Critical thinking skills will also be emphasized throughout the course.
This course serves as a broad, graduate level introduction to the study and practice of public administration. Using the overriding values of diversity, democracy, and due process, students will examine key historical and contemporary developments in the field within the context of economic, legal, political, and socio-cultural environments. Select public administration subfields will also be explored.
A systematic approach to the planning and design of a program evaluation including the reporting of its results. This course provides students with an opportunity to employ the methodology and the qualitative tools used by evaluators to assess public programs. Students will also gain valuable experience by learning how to critically analyze evaluation research and use cost benefit analysis.
PA 501
PA 501
An application of the principles of program evaluation research design is the focus of this course. Students will have an opportunity to apply quantitative research methods to program evaluation process. The basics of good program evaluation reporting will also be covered.
This course introduces students to the method and history of political economy allowing students to compare and contrast political and market solutions to collective problems. This course also examines the underlying value judgments and ideological commitments that fuel the debates over public policy.
Students will develop an understanding of organizational behavior by understanding what goes on in the minds of managers and employees when they interact in organizations. Students will explore motivation as well as individual and group behavior in the communication process. Management for performance will be emphasized.
Analyzes and discusses the role of ethics for the practice of public administration. The development of ethical codes is traced from moral and constitutional roots. Explores the conflicts faced by program managers between ethical behavior and political/program expediency utilizing case studies and legal precedents. Focuses on the role of organizational, societal, and individual values in ethical public administration, consequences of ethical and unethical behaviors, and models for resolving ethical and values-based conflict in public organizations.
This course reviews the history of terrorism, especially since the French Revolution; its evolving definition, and how it relates to state violence; and its protean contemporary forms.
This course will include the investigation of leadership theories and explore the role of leadership in organizations. The course will also focus on the characteristics of leadership and the implications leadership has for organizations. Same as BA 509.
This course is designed to cover various financial management functions. Students will develop the analytical skills necessary to make managerial decisions based on information contained in the financial statements. The political, economic, and social context of financial decisions will be explored.
A study of the administration and management of the grants and funding contracts in public and nonprofit organizations including the basic principles, skills, methods, and techniques of grant writing. Students will explore the sources of grants, funding contracts, types of grants, and contracts available, and strategies to submit proposals for grants. Students will examine the reporting requirements for contracted programs and services and prepare related materials. In addition, using hypothetical programs, students will identify applicable requests for proposals and will develop a responsive grant proposal.
This course will review the definition and various forms of terrorism, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of terrorism and terrorist typologies. Various forms of political, religious, and cultural terrorism will be examined, as well as their causes. The course draws on theories and research from psychology, sociology and cultural studies to assist in reaching an understanding of terrorism from a psychological and cultural perspective.
This course will introduce the student to the dynamic environment faced by intergovernmental actors as they strive to protect the homeland from man-made and naturally occurring incidents. The evolution of emergency management and homeland security policy will be discussed. Students will discuss how policy choices affect the practice of emergency management and homeland security.
This course examines concepts and theoretical approaches to managing critical incidents. Case students will be used to examine the application of emergency management and homeland security strategies. This course builds on roles and responsibilities of all levels of government and the non-profit organizations in emergency management operations. Specifically, the Incident Command System, and the National Response Framework and the Stafford Act will be discussed.
This course will examine transnational nature of crime, terrorism and assess national security strategies employed by the U.S. and other nations. This course will allow students to evaluate global threats that may impact the U.S. security interests. The focus of this course is to allow students to analyze how U.S. and foreign governments counter criminal activities and terrorism. The emphasis will be on current global and regional threats to the U.S. national security.
This course will explore strategic efforts to improve emergency management mitigation and recovery efforts at the local, stte, and national level. The role of domestic and international organizations in helping prevent and recover from incidents will be explored. In addition, strategies to maintain uninterrupted government functions will be introduced.
Surveys the political and social forces that shape healthcare policy within the context of poverty, inequality, as well as related public policies in the United States. Building on foundational knowledge of the policymaking process with a focus on factors and policies that influence health equity and disparities in the United States, students will learn concepts and frameworks important to contemporary debates in public policy and social policy with particular focus on healthcare as well as providing students with skills to understand inequity within healthcare and related social programs in the United States. Same as HA 528
An exploration of the analysis, development, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs affecting health. Focuses on healthcare institutions, with some attention to managing health problems with non-medical interventions at the community level. Uses the case method applied to realistic situations in which specific decisions must be made by health managers or officials.
The course is designed to familiarize students with the financing, operation, regulation, and structure of the American health care system. Attention will be paid to environmental forces that shape and define the healthcare system.
This course is designed to examine human resources management in public organizations. Topics examined in the course are from a public manager perspective and emphasize the importance of the human dimension in contributing to organizational effectiveness and productivity. The course explores due process, diligence, diversity and equal opportunity in regards to the classification, recruitment, appointment, development, compensation and overall satisfaction of public employees. Democratic principles and various associated paradoxes within the context of public service to include employee rights are investigated.
Students explore the effect of macro- and micro-economic theory on the design, implementation, and outcomes of health and human services programs. Students explore optimization, consumer/client demand, production/service delivery, investment decisions, market structure, and information problems as applied to the public and not-for-profit health and human services sectors.
This course will include an analysis of counter-terrorist global policies, strategies, operations, and organizations since September 11. Students will become familiar with radical extremist organizations to evaluate current U.S. counterterrorism strategy to defeat these groups. A comparison will be made of U.S. counterterrorism strategy to other western nations‘ strategy to defeat terrorism. Given a scenario, students will critically analyze a terrorist organization’s motives, methods, and tactics to develop a counterterrorism strategy.
Explores the legal and regulatory issues faced by executives responsible for delivering healthcare and social services in the not-for-profit and government sectors. The course uses readings and case analyses to develop an understanding of the range of actions available to healthcare and social service executives and the effect limitations on actions can have on the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the services provided. The issues of privacy concerns, conflicts of interest, and fiduciary responsibility are explored.
This course examines the quality assessment of both business practices and health care delivery focusing on outcome measurements, process/outcome relationships, and methods for process improvement. Quality management tools and techniques are reviewed with a focus on patient safety, clinical quality, care outcomes, and cost benefit analysis in patient care.
Explores the processes and methods of financial management in the healthcare industry. Patterns of healthcare expenditures, methods of financing healthcare, financial planning and development, third party reimbursement, and internal controls in health institutions and programs management.
This course addresses the importance of information systems and information technology in improving decision-making in healthcare organizations and provides an overview of the integration of technology in the health care setting. Students will examine the processes used in the selection, application, and evaluation of computer software and hardware. Methods and processes to make informed business decisions related to the application and use of technology in health care will be discussed. Students will learn how integrated computer-based information systems can lead to decisions that improve and better coordinate care, allow for better management of medical records and orders, increase the timeliness of care, improve cost controls, enhance supply inventory and management, and become familiar with administrative data sets and information technology used in decision support.
Students examine the ideal of philanthropy and sources of revenue for nonprofit organizations. It allows for students to expand their understanding of the theories, best practices, and skills required to generate private funds for nonprofit organizations.
Examines the theory and practice of strategic and operational planning for hazards and disasters. Reviews the principles associated with evaluation of threats, risk and vulnerabilities as related to the formulation of prevention programs and plans. The principles of risk identification and communication, management and coordination of resources, and public education will be examined. The organizational aspects of emergency management and its position within local, state, and national governments will be discussed from the federal, state, local and tribal perspectives.
Explores and analyzes current topics on productivity in public organizations, with particular attention to change management, transparency, performance, accountability, work management processes, private sector management practice, outcome measurement, E-Government strategy, and labor-management relations. Contemporary productivity theories of a more generalized nature also will be explored. Integrates conceptual works in productivity with case studies that describe actual operations of public productivity programs. Cases cover concepts of measurement, management practice, technology and capital investment, and labor-management relations, with an emphasis on understanding the linkages between theory and practice.
Labor relations in public organizations including collective bargaining and employment law will be examined. Theories of conflict and methods of alternative dispute resolution will be introduced.
Introduction to the theories of advocacy in democratic processes including the ethical, legal, and regulatory issues surrounding its practice. It also examines communication and marketing theories nonprofit organizations use to effectively connect with vital stakeholders and constituencies and to promote activities, programs, positions, and services.
A critical examination of how nonprofit organizations must compete for volunteers in an increasingly competitive market. This includes analyzing the potential conflict between nonprofit values, mission, and the requirements to manage resources efficiently and effectively.
Examines how managers in public and nonprofit agencies can secure and utilize legal authority, human resources, and funds to accomplish organizational goals. Employs case studies to explore current problems and emerging issues of public administration.
Examines and explores the laws, regulations, rules, and legal precedents governing admissibility and exclusion of evidence in civil and criminal litigation, including judicial notice; examination, competency and privileges of witnesses; relevancy; hearsay; opinion and scientific evidence; documentary evidence; burden of proof and presumptions. This course also addresses both the Federal Criminal Rules of Procedure as…
This seminar course covers the juvenile justice system from arrest to corrections. Related issues on diversion and programmatic treatment will be covered. Contemporary issues in juvenile justice are considered.
Examines theories of crime and sociological principles applied to public policy issues to explore the relationship between scientific analysis of crime and formation of public policy. Integrates policy analysis and criminal justice planning. Explores how to assess proposals intended to reduce crime levels and to improve the effectiveness of policing, adjudication, and corrections.
Students will explore the issues, complexities and challenges associated with developing vulnerability analyses and the subsequent allocation of resources once the vulnerability analysis has been done. The emphasis of the course is on how to use technologies such as SCADA to create a model-based vulnerability analysis in order to protect critical sectors. How to integrate vulnerability analysis into emergency management and homeland security policy and decision making will be explored.
This course is designed to teach the elementary skills and techniques of Geographic Information Science (GIS), with a focus on crime analysis and critical incidents related to disaster management and homeland security, using ESRI ArcGIS 10.1, or similar software package. ArcGIS is a software platform that is used to apply geography to solving problems and making decisions. In addition to GIS techniques, basic data preparation procedures will be covered as well as a brief survey of various types of crime data and how to acquire such data.
This course provides the student with a broad understanding of the dynamics of psychological implications associated with crime, violence, and criminal behavior. The course will also examine the social theories associated with how society interprets and deals with criminal behavior. In addition, biological/genetic, psychological, and sociological theories of criminal behavior help to explain and exemplify topics in the areas of aggression and violence, homicide and assault, juvenile delinquency, drugs and crime, and sexual offenses.
This course is designed to provide graduate students with a broad introduction to the various types of criminal conduct associate with computers and the Internet. Students will be exposed to techniques associated with digital forensics and will assess criminological theories of crime as they relate to digital crime and terrorism. Additionally, students will examine a number of the national and international laws and policies related to cybercrime including the diverse steps that have been taken to increase digital security around the globe. Familiarity with computers and the Internet will help you progress through the course, but expertise is not required nor expected.
Seminar examining the evolution and practice of federalism and intergovernmental relations among American national, state, metropolitan, local, and tribal governments. Students will utilize different theoretical perspectives to analyze and critically evaluate the rationale for assigning and justifying which unit of government is best situated to develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate public policy.
An introductory exploration of the regulatory process including rulemaking, enforcement, and adjudication. Students will examine the history and evolution of administrative law, its role in defining the power and discretion of unelected officials, and the impact it has on the democratic process.
An introduction to how the American political system defines, constrains, and shapes public management at the state and local level. Of particular interest will be the role and responsibilities of public managers in promoting and upholding the public trust.
This course will introduce students to the tools and techniques used by policy analysts. Students will gain an appreciation for the political and logistical issues surrounding policy implementation. They will then explore the difficulties in evaluating program efficiency and effectiveness.
This is a seminar examining the theories, analytical tools, and political context of economic development at the state and local level. Students will examine current trends, issues, and controversies involving government-sponsored economic development.
The theory and practice of strategic management in public and non-profit organizations will be examined. It will include a discussion of the roles and responsibilities of actors involved in strategic management including the ethical dimension of strategic planning. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of board governance and trusteeship.
This course is designed to allow students an opportunity to explore the foundation of government and non-profit accounting theory from a management perspective. Students will analyze and apply Generally Accepted Accounting Principles established for governmental and non-profit organizations and will become familiar with building basic fund-based financial statements. This course will also examine the budgeting policies and practices of not-for-profit and governmental organizations. Budgeting techniques will be addressed as will theories of fiscal policy.
The seminar serves to integrate the learner’s studies in public administration by conducting a compliance audit type program evaluation beginning with the development of appropriate standards for each of the five program competencies and the competency established for the student’s emphasis area. The evaluation will demonstrate (1) integration of the MPA program objectives and competencies, (2) graduate-level writing skills using APA format (3) graduate level critical thinking skills and (4) in-depth understanding and application of the objectives of the area of emphasis utilizing appropriate research techniques.
Completion of all core and area of emphasis courses or permission of the program director
Completion of all core and area of emphasis courses or permission of the program director
Supervised field experience in a public sector or not-for-profit agency. Consent of MPA Coordinator and written report are required. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.
Completion of courses in the emphasis area
Completion of courses in the emphasis area