Course Category: Nursing
This course is designed to develop medical terminology language skills. Learners will demonstrate knowledge of word construction, definitions and use of terms related to all areas of health science. The course includes a basic understanding of anatomy of the human body, functions of health and disease, and the use of language in health careers. The use of medical dictionaries, Internet sites, and other modern technologies will be introduced.
Students are introduced to the processes of inductive and deductive reasoning while gaining the skills to interpret and/or evaluate arguments, perspectives and/or beliefs. These skills are applied while dissecting the components of an argument. Students practice the art of reflection using what is learned to develop strategies, materials, and interventions to be applied in the professional setting.
ENG 102
ENG 102
This course focuses on concepts related to professional communication in the delivery of health care, both individual and collaborative. Students will explore verbal, written, and electronic communications as applied to the nursing profession and interprofessional items, including legal and ethical considerations. The impact and integration of information technology in health care will be explored. Heath literacy and effective teaching/learning strategies across the life span will be included.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
The course focuses on the identification, exploration, and analysis of concepts that influence professional nursing practice. Historical, social, political, professional, legal, and ethical factors will be examined. Traditional and emerging roles of the nurse will be analyzed to identify the present and future state of professional practice in the rapidly expanding field of nursing.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
Concepts related to health assessment, understanding of pathophysiology and effective nursing management of health care are presented. The interrelationships among concepts are explored as well as strategies to promote optimal restoration of health while providing safe, client centered, and quality driven health care. This is the first of a two-course sequence that must be completed to fully meet the competencies related to all body systems.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
This course examines a diverse group of health care beliefs and practices used instead of, or in concert with, western health care beliefs and practices. Students are expected to critically examine the belief systems, practices, and health outcomes for complementary, alternative, and western paradigms of health.
Concepts related to health assessment, understanding of pathophysiology and effective nursing management of health care are presented. The interrelationships among concepts are explored as well as strategies to promote optimal restoration of health while providing safe, client centered, and quality driven health care. This is the second of a two-course sequence that must be completed to fully meet the competencies related to all body systems.
This course focuses on care of the community as client. Emphasis is on the role of the nurse in addressing the preventative health needs of populations at risk and other community groups at risk and other community groups in various community practice settings. Current public health problems, trends in health care delivery and community resources are examined. Students analyze the sociocultural, political, economic, ethical and environmental factors that influence community and global health. Students will implement a clinical project to meet the needs of an identified population.
NUR 335
NUR 335
This course prepares students to develop culturally sensitive perspectives on healing modalities of different cultures and their application to current nursing practice. An international or local practicum experience with the intent to create a deeper understanding and appreciation of the art and science of being a healer will be incorporated in the course. Jean Watson’s 10 Carative Processes and Madeline Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing form the theoretical framework guiding the exploration and integration of transcultural healing traditions.
Admission to the nursing program or permission of the nursing chair
Admission to the nursing program or permission of the nursing chair
This course introduces the student to the research process and focuses on the translation of current evidence into practice. Emphasis is on critical analysis of published research studies to facilitate implementation of evidence-based decisions in nursing practice.
In this course the student examines theory and concepts needed for successful leadership and management roles in the rapidly changing health care environment. Concepts of quality and safety are explored along with teamwork and effective communication for nurse leaders.
Focus is on the history of nursing, nursing education, and health care from primitive times to current day. Course content includes study of historical periods and figures such as Florence Nightingale, Lavinia Doci, and Lillian Wald. Emphasis is on the relationship between nursing and society and the impact on modern nursing.
Admission to the university
Admission to the university
In this course students will explore the meaning of self-care, and its application to professional nursing. Multiple modalities will be introduced to expand the knowledge, understanding, and need for self-care. Students will also develop a personal self-care plan, implement the plan into their personal and professional lives, and evaluate the outcome.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
This course introduces the student to global health concepts and the network of organizations working to advance health care internationally. Emphasis will be placed on the global burden of disease and determinates of health students will be introduced to programs, systems, and policies affecting global health.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
This course will introduce students to nursing theorists and the foundations of their theories. Emphasis will be made on the types of theories and how these theories affect nursing practice and patient centered care. Students will begin to understand the essentials of nursing theory and the theorists behind their development.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
This image of the nurse in American culture has been varied, complex, and provocative. This course will introduce students to textual images of nurses in fiction, film, television, and visual arts within the contexts of American and nursing history.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
The primary function of this course is to serve as a structured service learning opportunity that fosters academic growth, citizenship, leadership, and civic responsibility. All requirements will be related to conducting specific services related to nursing and the community. May only be taken once.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
This course focuses on the healthcare policy process and the impact on nursing practice, healthcare delivery, and healthcare quality. Social, political, economical, historical, legal, ethical, and professional influences will be explored.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
This course will explore basic principles of fiscal resource management within healthcare organizations. Emphasis will be placed on the role of nurse leaders and managers in a variety of settings. Influencing factors such as healthcare reform, quality initiatives and reimbursement policies on patient care delivery and budgetary decisions will be explored. Basic fiscal resource management principles will be applied through interactive case studies.
Admission to the nursing program
Admission to the nursing program
In this course students apply the concepts and skills acquired in the RN-BSN program to demonstrate growth as a competent, caring, professional nurse. Students research and design a capstone project intended to demonstrate scholarly inquiry, nursing excellence, leadership, and communication skills that integrate the general education learning outcomes with the learning outcomes in the major. Demonstration of baccalaureate level achievement is required.
Senior status, 27 credits of the BSN curriculum, and 15 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
Senior status, 27 credits of the BSN curriculum, and 15 or fewer credits remaining to be completed through Upper Iowa University
In this course students apply the concepts and skills acquired in the RN-BSN program to demonstrate growth as a competent, caring, professional nurse. Students implement and evaluate a capstone project intended to demonstrate scholarly inquiry, nursing excellence, leadership, and communication skills that integrate the general education learning outcomes with the learning outcomes in the major. Demonstration of baccalaureate level achievement is required. This course includes the portfolio which serves as the summative evaluation and direct evidence of student achievement of individual program outcomes.
NUR 450
NUR 450