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Articulation agreement provides bridge for adult learners

Upper Iowa University (UIU) has partnered with to help bridge more adult students toward a college education. This partnership allows prospective UIU students to meet some of their general education requirements through’s self-paced online courses…tuition-free. Not only can prospective students benefit from a reduction in educational costs, it helps these learners overcome traditional…

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UIU recognized for adult online programming

Upper Iowa University (UIU) has been recognized for offering among the top adult online degree programs in the nation by Abound: Finish College. UIU is among eight institutions of higher education recognized in Iowa. Through Abound’s search module and advice to students, future students are encouraged to look at how schools meet the “Four As” –…

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UIU joins COVID-19 College Vaccine Challenge

With classrooms set to reopen for Session 1 on Monday, August 30, Upper Iowa University has accepted the COVID-19 College Vaccine Challenge. The initiative, created by the White House and the U.S. Department of Education, invites colleges and universities across the country to join in furthering the efforts to end the pandemic. By participating, each…

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Alumni speaker January 19

The Upper Iowa University Alumni Speaker Series resumes tonight (Wednesday, January 19), with “Failing Forward” presented by Kim Karr ‘01. The program begins at 6 p.m. CST. Participants, who join the virtual session on Upper Iowa University’s Facebook page, will have an opportunity to ask questions during the event. Leveraging mistakes and taking realistic risks…

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Summer Oar Days begin May 13

The summer OAR (Orientation, Advising and Registration) Day season begins Friday, May 13, at Upper Iowa University’s Fayette, Iowa, Campus. This year’s schedule includes both in-person and virtual one day events. As the final step in the admission process, OAR Days not only allow incoming students to register for classes but also provide the students…

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Reinald Carter ‘75

After many years spent working for others, Reinald Carter’s motivation to earn a degree as a non-traditional student stemmed from his desire to sit for the CPA exam and start his own accounting firm. Upon researching options as to how a working, married, father of three would also find the time in the day to…

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UIU sponsoring Friday activities at the Fayette County Fair

Upper Iowa University (UIU) is excited to be sponsoring activities Friday, July 21 at the Fayette County Fair. Visitors to the UIU area at the fair can participate in fun games, free temporary peacock tattoos and punch balloons, and giveaways, creating a festive and engaging atmosphere. “We are delighted to be sponsoring activities Friday, July…

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UIU’s online communications degree recognized by Forbes Advisor Education

Upper Iowa University (UIU) has received an additional recognition by Forbes Advisor Education, this time for one of the best online bachelor’s degrees in communications. Upper Iowa was recognized along with nine other U.S. institutions for its communication studies degree. Communication studies allows learners to apply communications concepts, methods and tools to deliver real results…

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Summer Oar Days begin May 19

The summer OAR (Orientation, Advising and Registration) Day season begins Friday, May 19, at Upper Iowa University’s Fayette, Iowa, Campus. This year’s schedule includes both in-person and virtual one day events. OAR Days typically begin with students and their guests registering at the Fayette Campus Student Center. After breakfast and a brief welcome ceremony, participants…

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Grain Millers CAP agreement

Upper Iowa University (UIU) is proud to announce a new partnership with Grain Millers, a leading provider of whole grains and food ingredients. As part of the Corporate Advantage Partnership (CAP) program Upper Iowa University will assist Grain Millers to provide educational opportunities for Grain Millers’ employees. “Grain Millers is very excited to partner with…

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