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TO: Fayette Campus Students
SUBJECT: President’s Communication – Fayette Student COVID Update

Fayette Campus Students,

On behalf of UIU faculty and staff, I would like to first express our great appreciation for your ongoing commitment to follow the guidelines outlined in the UIU CARE Plan. Your continued diligent adherence to Campus health and safety protocols is the most important thing you can do to ensure in-person classes continue and the fall semester is not interrupted. At present, we will continue the on-campus learning and living experience, but it is up to you – our students, to ensure this continues!

I also want to call attention to, and provide important context to, the COVID-19 dashboard. 24 positive COVID-19 cases currently exist among Fayette students, faculty and staff and an additional 110 individuals are currently quarantined. UIU continues to take an aggressive and proactive approach to our quarantine strategies.

It is likely that most individuals who quarantine will not test positive for COVID-19. We know that quarantine can cause disruption and inconvenience; however, it is one of our best tools in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Limiting close contact with others, wearing face coverings and staying home if you have COVID-19 related symptoms are known to be effective in eliminating the spread of the virus.

I also remind each of you to continue participating in the daily self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms with the free app SensorRX. If you have not registered, you should have received information in how to do so in your UIU email account on Thursday, August 28, from COVID on Campus ([email protected]). You can also register by visiting; please use your UIU email when registering.

I respectfully request that you are persistent and do your part in making the right choices on and off Campus. The decisions you make will directly impact the overall health and safety of your friends, family, and the entire UIU community. Remember, we remain Peacock Strong together.

Very Sincerely,


William R. Duffy II, Ed.D., Ed.S.
Upper Iowa University