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TO: UIU Community
SUBJECT: COVID-19 Positive Case and Reporting Dashboard

Dear UIU Community,

As we continue our commitment to providing you a safe environment at Fayette Campus, we want to inform you that a student residing in Fayette has tested positive for COVID-19. This individual is now self-isolating at home outside of Iowa. Contact tracing, in collaboration with Iowa Public Health, has been completed with the individual who tested positive. Those who have been in close or prolonged contact with the student have been notified and necessary actions have been taken. There is currently no reason to assume you are infected simply because this individual contracted COVID-19, we only want to be sure each of you are apprised of the situation.

To ensure continued transparency with the Peacock community, the University has a created a dashboard that includes the number of current UIU positive COVID-19 cases, and those in isolation or quarantine for members of the Fayette Campus. The dashboard and UIU COVID-19 updates.

Contact Tracing and Quarantine: Local or state public health officials will conduct contact tracing to identify any other individuals who may have been exposed. The CDC defines close contact as anyone who was within 6 feet of the infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before the person began feeling sick until the time he or she tested positive.

  • Students who have been identified through contact tracing to have potentially been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 will move to quarantine floors at the direction of the UIU Care Team. Garbee residents will be quarantined on specific floors in Garbee; residents of South Village and Lee Towers will quarantine in place. Quarantined students will be monitored remotely on a daily basis as guided by the UIU Care Team.
  • Employees should contact his or her supervisor to communicate the need to quarantine and make arrangements for work duties.

Positive COVID-19 and Isolation: Any student testing positive for COVID-19 is required to self-isolate for at least 10 days and potentially longer depending on how long the symptoms persist.

  • Students who test positive will be encouraged to self-isolate at home, however, they will also have the option of self-isolating at a designated area on Campus. While living in self-isolation, a member of the UIU Care Team is assigned to provide daily support and assistance to the student. The Care team representative is the go-to contact for any questions or concerns a student may have during isolation.
  • Employees should contact his or her supervisor to communicate the need to isolate and make arrangement for work duties.

Face Coverings and Distancing: A reminder that UIU has adopted a mandatory face-covering practice when entering buildings and when maintaining at least 6 feet of separation from others cannot be achieved. Please cover your face before entering buildings, as you may encounter others in the common spaces. Students will be advised of the same guidelines prior to returning to campus.

Additional information on UIU COVID-19-related practices, information, and UIU Care Plan-related subjects will soon be presented to students both digitally and upon their arrival at Fayette Campus. The information describes the processes and protocols designed to help each of us remain safe and healthy. A link to past and updated University COVID-19-related information and messages can also be viewed on the main page at

Your continued commitment and resiliency is appreciated during this uncertain period as we all strive to ensure the future success of UIU.

Very sincerely,


William R. Duffy II, Ed.D., Ed.S.
Upper Iowa University
W: (563) 425-5221