3/20/2020 3:27 PM
TO: University Community
SUBJECT: President’s Communication – Extended Check-Out Dates for Fayette Resident Students
Dear Fayette Students (Specifically Fayette Resident Students),
The purpose of this email is to inform you that move-out dates will be extended beyond March 25, 2020.
UIU is aware of the ever changing situation related to COVID-19 and that some states are adopting ‘Shelter in Place’ orders, most recently established by the State of Illinois. At this time, UIU has published move-out dates of March 18 – March 25, 2020. We will continue these dates and will add additional dates as needed (exact dates TBD at this time). I ask that you please continue to communicate with Student Life if you are not able to checkout by March 25, 2020 by calling 563-425-5215.
As a reminder, information has been sent to your Peacock email (March 18, 2020) and posted to the website related to Session 4 refunds for room and board; please review this communication.
We are working diligently to publish updates to our website: uiu.edu/coronavirus; please continue to visit this site for UIU’s communications.
We appreciate your patience and look forward to future times when we can all be together again! Stay safe and know that your Peacock Family is thinking of your safety and well-being always!
Very Sincerely,
William R. Duffy II, Ed.D., Ed.S.
Upper Iowa University